Three years ago, Barbie Ritzco had a double mastectomy.
The US breast cancer survivor was left with heavy scarring, as well as radiation-damaged skin that would not withstand a breast reconstruction.
But instead of hiding her scars away, Barbie did something quite marvellous: she designed a stunning, heart-shaped tattoo that spanned her entire chest.
Then, she posed for a topless selfie that was posted on the Flat and Fabulous Facebook group page earlier this month — and it’s so breathtaking, it’s going viral.
Of the design, Ms Ritzco’s friend Sara Bartosiewicz -Hamilton told Mic: “She wanted it to look like her chest was bursting open.”
“Ugly on the outside, beautiful on the inside.”
Ms Ritzco, who has served in the US Marine Corps for 20 years, was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2011 — just months after being deployed to Afghanistan. She underwent eight rounds of chemotherapy, the bilateral mastectomy, and then radiation every day for six weeks — and ran the Marine Corps marathon while she was still undergoing radiation therapy, as The Huffington Post reports.
Ms Ritzco wrote for the SCAR Project that she wants to challenge the way people view breast cancer survivors.
“I don’t believe most people actually ‘see’ breast cancer. They hear about it but they don’t listen. It is just a terrible thing that happens to everyone else but could never happen to them,” she wrote.