
Three women with low dietary iron intake share their advice for handling it.

Thanks to our brand partner, Floradix


If you’re a woman dealing with low iron, the inability to ‘just get on with it’ and find the energy to manage the day to day can be difficult.

Low dietary iron intake can lead to symptoms of poor physical and mental performance, fatigue or light headiness and stop you from doing what you want to do.

When you lead a busy lifestyle, low dietary iron intake can often also be difficult to identify as the root of the problem because feeling tired all of the time can easily be assumed as just part and parcel with a busy schedule.

But by talking to your doctor and finding a suitable iron supplement, such as Floradix, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Three Mamamia team members, Sara, Valentina and Alice have all had to deal with low iron at different points in their lives and for various reasons.

The good news is, each of them have been able to manage this in order to get the most out of their day without feeling low in energy. Here is how they’ve managed it:

Sara Thomas – Campaign Implementation Executive

"I’ve been taking Floradix for a year now and still am absolutely in love with it." Image supplied.

"Growing up, I was never allowed to become vegetarian. I believe the reasons were an equal balance between growing up on a farm and the fact my mum had struggled with low iron her whole life. So when I was old enough to become a vegetarian, I knew I would have to be smart about it.

"I gave up meat over a year ago and it kicked me straight into research mode. Determined not to let myself have more serious problems (like my dearest mother), I spent hours reading up on which foods were rich in iron and the most efficient ways to consume them.

"This process taught me so much about which foods you need to pair/avoid consuming together in order to maximise absorption (highly recommend researching this too).

"I also decided to look into additional natural iron supplements to take as I found myself becoming light-headed and exhausted a lot more - especially the week of my period and knew I needed to ensure I had enough iron absorption in my diet.


"After a couple of fails, I found Floradix Formula Liquid Herbal Iron Extract which is available in Chemist Warehouse. I’ve been taking it for a year now and still am absolutely in love with it. It tastes amazing and comes in liquid form, which means it lives in the fridge and is strategically placed so I see it every morning in my pre-coffee state.

"Floradix also contains naturally derived ingredients and focuses on sustainability in their production. So basically, it ticks all my boxes."

Valentina Todoroska - Managing Editor

"A piece of advice from my GP also completely changed the way I deal with my low dietary iron problem." Image supplied.

"Low iron is something I've had to deal with for most of my adult life. When I found myself needing to have a nap almost every afternoon from the time I was in high school, I knew I needed to consult a doctor. After taking a blood test, I was told I needed to increase my intake of iron.

"Since that point, ensuring my iron levels don't get too low has been a delicate balancing act. I try to ensure I eat iron rich foods but it seems no matter what I do, my iron drops off at least once a year or so and I need to take a supplement to get it back to where it needs to be.

"I began by taking an iron tablet which also contained Vitamin C which, according to what I've been told, improves the absorption of iron into the body. This worked for me for a few years until I found it wasn't as effective as when I first began taking them.

"For this reason my GP suggested a liquid iron supplement and I've found this to be highly effective.

"Another piece of advice from my GP also completely changed the way I deal with maintaining my iron levels. As most supplements are recommended to be used for a three month period, I'd find myself getting into the cycle of going onto a supplement for this length of time, coming off it and in a year or so, being back at square one.


"Alternatively my GP recommended that I use an iron supplement during that time of the month to top up my iron levels and replace what my body is losing.

"Since doing this, I've had absolutely no issues with my iron and when you think about it, it makes total sense. This is the approach I now take to ensure my iron levels are where they need to be. But individual needs can be different, so I would recommend that you speak to your GP for advice."

Alice Moore - Strategy Manager

"Iron dietary supplements have played a vital role in maintaining healthy iron levels." Image supplied.

"Like many women, low iron is something I've had to manage most of my adult life. But despite maintaining a healthy diet full of iron-rich leafy greens, red meats, nuts and whole grains, sadly the challenge is my body just doesn't seem to absorb enough of it.

"The last five years presented some particular challenges with low iron levels during the pregnancies, births and breastfeeding phases of my two daughters. I wanted to make sure I have enough energy to look after them.

"That's why throughout these times I’ve consulted my GP and naturopath about all the ways to help increase my iron intake as well as absorption.

"Iron dietary supplements have played a vital role in maintaining healthy iron levels but I’ve also learned a lot about how to aid in the absorption of iron by complementing it with Vitamin C rich foods and avoiding taking iron supplements near calcium rich foods such as dairy.

"Simple changes like swapping chips for veggies with our steak meals and taking iron supplements after dinner instead of breakfast, have really helped.

"I’ve tried to form healthy iron rich eating habits with my daughters too like favouring raw veggies as snacks or dinner platters - to ensure they get the most nutrients out of their vegetables that can otherwise get lost in the cooking process.


"But one thing to be sure of with kids is the fussy eating patterns they can develop. Whether they go through stages of not eating greens or meat, or not much at all, it’s these moments I know to monitor their vitamin intake and resorting to a natural supplement like Floradix’s Kindervital can be a good way to supplement their diet."

So whether you're naturally low in iron, are dealing with a diagnosed iron deficiency to a lifestyle choice such as being a vegetarian, or have found you need to increase your intake of iron since becoming pregnant or moving into a different phase in your life, you definitely don't need to deal with feeling tired all the time. Speak to your GP and monitor your iron levels.

There's nothing stopping you from getting more out of your day and taking an iron supplement such as Floradix may be the best way to do just that.

Have you been told by your GP that you need to increase your intake of iron? How do you manage it? Tell us in the comments section below. 

This content is brought to you with thanks by our brand partner, Floradix.

Always read the label. Follow the instructions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your healthcare professional.

All three of the women mentioned in this article work for Mamamia. Their recommendations are based on their personal opinions and experience.


Woman are often low in dietary intake from time to time. The need for iron is often increased at the following times in our lives - Heavy menstrual bleeding; Pregnancy and childbirth; Donating blood; Regular participation in endurance athletics or intensive workouts. Vegetarians can also be at risk not consuming adequate iron from their diet because Iron derived from animal sources is absorbed more efficiently than sources derived from plants alone.
The Floradix range of dietary supplements supports health & wellness. As a leading natural supplements manufacturer, each product contains a selective complement of vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts beneficial for your wellbeing. Many of the herbal ingredients in the Floradix range have been used traditionally for medicinal purposes and are highly regarded for their health benefits.

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