
"We’re finally out of the 'blur'." Magdalena Roze gets candid about new parent sleep deprivation.

Image: Getty.

With seven years’ experience as a weather reporter on morning TV — requiring her to be up and at it by three in the morning — Magdalena Roze thought she knew a thing or two about life with minimal sleep.

So when she was warned about the sleepless nights that come with being a parent, Roze was none too fussed. Yet that all changed with the arrival of Archie, her first child with Three Blue Ducks chef and co-owner Darren Robertson.

“My initial thoughts on sleep deprivation were, ‘Puh-lease … I got this!’ [But] newborn sleep deprivation is something else and I salute every parent who has been through it,” the meteorologist and journalist wrote in a recent post on her website.

Roze says the six weeks since her son was born have been challenging, and have made everything she was told “finally make sense.”

“I feel like we’re finally out of the ‘blur’ and have got into a bit of a groove. Everyone told us this would happen, but when you’re sleep-deprived with a crying baby trying to work out whether it’s colic or a bad tummy or a million other things, six weeks feels like forever,” she explains.

Watch: Magdalena Roze lays out five things we didn’t know about the weather. (Post continues after video.)


The struggle of sleepnessness wasn’t the only surprise in store for the new mum; she also learned that breastfeeding doesn’t always happen easily.

“After a very challenging labour, my milk was late coming in so I’ve had to work to build up my supply and learn to do the feeding tango with Archie. Believe me, we stepped all over each other’s feet to start with (so to speak), but now we’re in sync,” she writes.

Roze admits that while her pregnancy was relatively free of unpleasant symptoms, she’s felt like a “bag of spanners” in the weeks since Archie’s birth, and thinks it’ll be a while before she can even think of getting back into shape.

Magdalena Roze with her fiance Darren Robertson. (Image: Getty)


However, she's taken an uncommon measure to aid her post-partum recovery — having her placenta encapsulated into pills.

"The thought of eating my own placenta had never crossed my mind, but when I heard about encapsulation and its benefits and got the all-clear to try them from my obstetrician, I thought, 'Why not?'" Roze wrote late last week.

In the hospital Roze asked to see her placenta, and her midwives informed her it was "particularly healthy". She's been taking the pills since Archie's birth, and in case you're wondering... no, they don't taste weird. (Post continues after gallery.)

"The pills have no taste as the placenta is dehydrated and encapsulated, so it’s like a normal tablet," Roze explains, adding on Instagram that the practice is "not for everyone."

"I was thinking about placentas while feeding the other day (as you do!) and I realised that it’s the only meat you can consume that comes from life, rather than the opposite with all other meats."

What was the most surprising aspect of being a parenthood for you?

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