As anyone who has suffered a severe trauma in their life will know, the worst part isn’t always the immediate aftermath.
For at the time of a trauma – be it a death, an accident, retrenchment, a break up – your adrenalin is running high.
There are nurses and doctors distracting you, friends dropping around to see you, things to pack and move and organise. The mundane suddenly becomes your only markers of time – remembering to eat, remembering to sleep, remembering to shower. The days fly past in a haze of deep shock, your mind foggy in a constant state of grief.
No, they aren’t the worst days. You are too busy worrying about simply surviving to think of much else.
The worst days come weeks after, when the dust of your new life begins to settle, and the support buttresses begin to be pulled away. And all of the sudden, you are alone.
Most of the psychological studies that exist around this recovery stage are distinctly negative. The comet’s tail that follows trauma is often forewarned to include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or anxiety. We’re warned of lingering stresses, the importance of good psychological care, and to be vigilant in noticing the signs of metal health struggles.
But for the first time ever, there is a positive side effect of hitting rock bottom: it’s called Post Traumatic Growth.
The premise is simple: after experiencing deep levels of trauma, a change comes about in a person’s makeup.