Vogue‘s latest cover girl is Girls actor/creator/writer/essentially one-woman-show-er (although we do love us a bit of Shoshanna), Lena Dunham.
This is what she looked like on the cover:
And this is how she looked inside:
These are nice pictures. But they are also photoshopped pictures. Because that’s how Vogue rolls.
Lena Dunham is a celebrity who has always taken pride in being ‘real’. Her show depicts ‘real’ sex scenes, follows the mundane plot lines that typify the lives of ‘real’ twenty-somethings, and Lena acts as an advocate for ‘real’ bodies being shown on screen. It is within this context that US feminist website Jezebel offered a $10,000 reward for anyone who could provide them with the ‘real’ – i.e. unretouched – pictures from Dunham’s photoshoot.
When their bounty was first announced, Lena responded by saying that all people who wanted to see her unretouched needed to do was watch her show:
@emilynussbaum 10k? Give it to charity then just order HBO.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 17, 2014