
Kim Kardashian on whether she'll have a third baby.

Kim Kardashian is a doting mum to 13-month-old North West, with another baby on the way. But it hasn’t been easy for the Kardashian to fall pregnant.

Will Kimye stop at two kids or keep trying?

The celebrity couple may not have a choice about the number of kids they conceive. Kim has spoken about her struggles with conceiving the second baby and about her placenta condition, that is affecting her uterus.

Kim had spoken about her struggle to concieve. Image via @kimkardashian Instagram.

"They think I’ll have placenta accreta again, so if the placenta grows a little bit deeper than it did last time, then they are prepared to have my uterus removed, which is a little scary for me," she told C Magazine.

The 34-year-old said that her and her husband, Kanye West, 38 are just going to take every day as it comes and see how overwhelming the pregnancy journey is this time and see how the delivery goes.

Kim Kardashian on the cover of C Magazine.

The mum-to-be admitted her struggle to get pregnant with her second child took 'the fun out of it'. She explained that when she was ovulating she'd tell Kanye to get home and he couldn't always because he was busy.

"I had so many complications," the reality star confesses to C Magazine.

The complications were caused by placenta accreta which occurs when the placenta is abnormally attached to the uterine wall. It can cause complications with pregnancy - as it did for Kim.

"There were a couple of little operations to fix all that, so that created a little hole in my uterus, which I think made it really tough to get pregnant again," she told the publication.

Kim's looking healthy during her pregnancy so far. Image via @kimkardashian Instagram.

The pregnant mum revealed that she had to go to the doctors at five in the morning every day to get tested and find out if she was ovulating. She tried a lot of different therapies to help conceive, including acupuncture and nutrition.

Kim Kardashian speaking about her second pregnancy (Post continues after video)...

In April this year Kim underwent emergency surgery to remove a piece of placenta from her uterus. She was told by her doctor that carrying another baby may be too risky for her and that he recommended surrogacy if she were to have more children.

TAP on the image below to scroll through the gallery for pictures of North West (Post continues after gallery)...

Kim explained (on Keeping up with the Kardashians) in April that once she has her next baby, the placenta will move to a hole, and there will be a team of doctors waiting to take her to theatre for emergency surgery to stop her from losing too much blood.

We hope the birth is trouble free and she welcomes a healthy and happy baby in to the world.

What pregnancy complications have you (or your friends) had to deal with?

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