
Part of a toddler's head was shaved while at daycare.

A toddler got hold of hair clippers at daycare and used them to shave another child’s head.

The mum – understandably – was mortified.

Imagine your toddler coming home from daycare with a bald patch that wasn’t there when you dropped them off that morning. And imagine your reaction when you ask your toddler what happened, and they say their friend shaved it – with a hair razor.

If they had a mysterious bald patch like this...

You'd probably have a mixed bag of emotion going on inside. Shock. Anger. Confusion.

This scenario is exactly what happened to mum, Julie Muir, when her two-year-old daughter's head was shaved while at daycare. After all of Muir's initial reactions, she took to Facebook to explain what the hell had just happened. And to explain that she was feeling horrified.

She wrote,

"Look what happened to my baby at nursery!! I collected her on Tuesday to find another child had shaved her head .... And how did they come to have shavers ?? Well one of the teachers thought it would enhance their play and brought in her own from home which had power in it!!!"

Here is the photo of her daughter's hair and the razor:

The Facebook post. Image via Julie Muir Facebook page.

The distraught mum continued,

"Apparently they risk assessed this as safe to play with under 4s!! If u look closely u will see the old dirty beard hair that's been left in from her husbands!!"

Her Facebook rant finished up with a course of action. Muir said that words failed them (as parents) and that she had moved her child from the daycare immediately. Ofsted and the local council were informed about the incident and she had received legal advice.

She then named and shamed the offending daycare centre; Destiny Kids Nursery in Battersea London - who have since responded.

They have responded.

The Huffington Post contacted Destiny Kids Nursery and got a comment from a spokesperson, who said, "We have apologised profusely and fully accept that what happened was wrong. We are taking the issue extremely seriously and a member of staff has been suspended as a result."

The spokesperson also assured HuffPost that the incident has been reported to the relevant authorities and that their risk assessment procedures are now under review.

"And every member of staff will be undertaking comprehensive additional training," they told the publication.

The spokesperson continued to say that the safety and wellbeing of the children in their care is always number one priority and the case will not be taken lightly.

What would you have done in the same situation?

And just for a little bit of fun SCROLL THROUGH to see kids being the worst...

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