
Kayla Itsines' fans are convinced she's been photoshopped in her Vogue Australia shoot.

Fitness mogul Kayla Itsines shared some exciting news with her followers on Monday night.

“SO EXCITED to be in the February issue of Vogue Australia!! On stands today!,” she wrote on Facebook alongside a photo from her shoot.

In the image, Adelaide-based Itsines looks strong, powerful and beautiful.

It’s a major achievement for the 25-year-old fitness entrepreneur who has already earned incredible success with her fitness guide Bikini Body Guide, iPhone app ‘Sweat’, and newly-released book 28 Healthy Eating. As expected, the post was quickly inundated with messages of congratulations.

But while the avant-garde styling caused some lively discussion amongst her followers, there was another aspect of the shoot that had some concerned.

“I’m a big supporter and follower- but it looks like your nose is photoshopped? If so, I’m disappointed coming from someone who preaches about loving their body no matter what,” wrote one commenter.

“If I’m mistaken, I apologise! Just something I noticed.” (Post continues after gallery.)

The woman wasn’t the only one to believe the appearance of Itsines’ nose had been altered.

“You’re right, her nose looks totally different here. I wonder if she has talked to the editors about releasing the original?” added another.


Those who agreed were quick to express their anger.

“Photoshopped SELL-OUT ????(This is not what you stand for. You should have refused the offer!!),” one wrote.

See, even I think I’m weird hahhaa ????????BUT SERIOUSLY – I like posting stuff like this because I can see that I’ve changed (for the better) and I LIKE IT!! I found myself ALWAYS being SO embarrassed about everything growing up. I still remember my mum randomly walking into my favourite shop one day and saying to the lady “EXCUSE ME turn down the music right now! It’s too loud! How can you possibly HEAR ANYTHING IN HERE” ???? The girl just gave me this look ???? I was like MUMM NO!! and I remember thinking “I can never go back in there now, that girl hates me” (I was 14)… NOW if that were to happen, I’d just burst out laughing ????!! As I’ve got older, and I don’t know if you ladies will agree, I’ve just learnt to accept that what will be, will be. I no longer freak out if someone doesn’t like me or I hear someone has said something about me. I accept everyone for who they are now and I don’t care what people think of me. That’s not me saying “I’ll be an idiot and I can do what I want” – no no ☝️ This is just me saying I am happy to BE ME, just the way I am. That’s me admitting that I CANNOT make everyone like me. YOU cannot make everyone like YOU. So ladies, BE YOU. Do what YOU want to do. Don’t let the opinion of others define who YOU ARE. ????✌️️????

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

It’s not clear if Itsines has actually been photoshopped in her Vogue Australia image, but it is clear her fans think she looks beautiful just as she is.


Mamamia reached out to both Kayla Itsines and Vogue Australia for clarification but have not received a response at the time of publishing.

While some magazines have declared themselves touch up-free zones, for many others it’s still considered a necessity for shoots.

In 2014, Lena Dunham and her US Vogue cover were landed in hot water over claims made by Jezebel that Dunham’s body had been extensively photoshopped.

“I don’t understand why, photoshop or no, having a woman who is different than the typical Vogue cover girl, could be a bad thing… A fashion magazine is like a beautiful fantasy,” the Girls actress later told Slate.

“Vogue isn’t the place that we go to look at realistic women, Vogue is the place that we go to look at beautiful clothes and fancy places and escapism.”


Dunham’s latest cover on Glamour garnered praise for the very fact Photoshop was not used.

In April last year, actress Kerry Washington refused to keep quiet over changes made to her photo that appeared on the cover of AdWeek Magazine.

“Look, I’m no stranger to Photoshopping. It happens a lot. Yesterday, however, I just felt weary,” she wrote on Instagram at the time.

Listen: Lisa Wilkinson reveals the issue she has with women’s magazines. Post continues after audio.

“It felt strange to look at a picture of myself that is so different from what I look like when I look in the mirror. It’s an unfortunate feeling. That being said. You all have been very kind and supportive. Also, as I’ve said, I’m very proud of the article.”


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