
"That's bullsh*t." Kate Hudson says all of this "2 hours of exercise a day" talk is ridiculous.

Image: Getty. 

Kate Hudson is a huge believer in the power of exercise, so much so she owns her own activewear company Fabletics.

But how does Hudson herself workout? Slogging it in the gym for hours a time? Personal trainers coming to her house daily?

Not exactly. Rather than having a strict workout routine, Hudson fits it in when (and where) she can.

“People think you need two hours a day to do it, and that’s bullshit,” she told Allure Magazine.

“I’ve had days where I have the kids—Ryder’s on his bike, and I put Bing in a stroller—and I will run and sprint up hills,” Hudson says.

Location isn’t a barrier either. Hudson has been known to do yoga on airplanes in order to fit in a mini workout into her day. Yes, on a plane. (Post continues after gallery.)

But can you really benefit from exercising for just 20 minutes day? Fitness expert, Em Esslemont, says you can, however it is all down to how you use the time. 

“It all comes down to what the individual has to work with. The fact that you’re doing those short bursts of exercise is going to be better than doing nothing at all. You can definitely get benefits from doing a short, high-intensity workout,” Esslemont says.

If you do only have 20 minutes to workout, Esslemont suggests trying “full-body exercises that are going to work the most muscles in the most functional way,” such as burpees, star-jumps, jumping lunges and push-ups.

Kate Hudson is a big fan of yoga. (Image via Fabletics.)


And don't forget about working your legs if you've got limited time.

“Because they’re bigger muscles, and by putting them through more exercise, you’ll be burning more calories," Esslemont says.

So if 20 minutes of exercise is what works for you - like it does for Hudson - then go for it, just make sure you're using the time you do have effectively.

Do you workout in short intervals? What are your tips?

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