
Is this the secret to good health?


Jo Abi





I just made the most shocking discovery regarding my health. It only took me 20 years to realise this. I feel silly and relieved at the same time. You might already know about it but when it comes to diet and exercise I can be a bit slow on the uptake. Here goes:

When it comes to diet and exercise, you have to do what’s right for you.

Trying to become someone you’re not is a sure fire way to feel like a total failure when it comes to your health. So why do we constantly attempt unrealistic diets and exercise schedules?

Here are some fast facts about me:

  • I am not a morning person;
  • I don’t last on diets that cut any food groups out completely;
  • Weighing myself makes me feel like crap;
  • Wearing comfortable workout gear makes me feel great, exercise better and stick to fitness goals.
  • Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Female For Life. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

Setting my New Year’s Resolutions to clean up my diet and increase my exercise is an annual ritual and some years I do better than others. This year, I’m doing pretty well because I have made some changes that work for me, that suit me. I still read about all the latest developments but if something clearly isn’t for me, I disregard it quickly with no guilt whatsoever.

The biggest change I have made is that I now only exercise on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday because I am way too tired from work and the school run to exercise on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I used to beat myself up all week about how lazy I was being. Why would I do this to myself? Four days of exercise is plenty. And I enjoy my days off. I embrace them as days to really focus on work, family and rest.


If I want to eat something, I eat it and then move on. I no longer write off the entire day or week as a failure. Previously, one encounter with a lamington was enough to see me making poor choices for the rest of the day or even the week. You know what? Life is way too short for stuff like that.

If you sleep in your exercise clothes, you will be way more likely to actually get up when your alarm goes off… instead of hitting snooze, then feeling bad about sleeping in and not going for a run.

I also go to sleep in my exercise clothes. That way I’m way more likely to exercise in the morning. And now that I choose comfortable workout clothes, I sleep like a baby, well, like a baby that sleeps well.

My scales are developing a film of dust on them due to lack of use. I’m not saying everyone has to stop weighing themselves, just those who allow the number on them to decide their mood for the day.

See how easy it is? What works for you? Find out what it is and then do it. There is no ‘should’ when it comes to health, only what makes you feel strong, healthy and happy.

Check out this gallery of Female For Life exercise clothes, because if we know one thing about ourselves – there is nothing like fancy new clothes to motivate you.


What is the best change you’ve ever made when it comes to your health?



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