
Jennifer Aniston just won Best Celebrity Fitness Routine.

Image: Getty.

When celebrities talk about their fitness regimes, it seems to usually involve a team of 10 personal trainers, fancy NASA-worthy equipment and a master meditation and breathing coach from the furthest corner of the Himalayas. But not Jennifer Aniston.

In further proof that she is the down-to-earth celebrity we all (not so) secretly wish we were friends with, her trainer, Kathy Kaehler, has revealed the actress’s refreshing fitness routine.

The best part? You can do it in just five minutes. (Post continues after gallery.)

“Jennifer doesn’t do any exercise that she doesn’t love, and she makes sure what she does do fits into her busy lifestyle,” Kaehler told Look.


“As well as doing yoga, spinning and Pilates classes, she does a mixture of cardio and strength exercises which are the secret to that fab bod,” she says.

Like Kate Hudson, Aniston is also a keen believer that there’s no quick fix to being fit and healthy and is firmly against fad diets. Instead, the actress eats between three and five meals a day, including scrambled eggs for breakfast, steamed fish and vegetables for lunch, chicken tacos for dinner and snacks of dark chocolate and goji berries.

RELATED: The secret to Kate Hudson’s fitness is in her handbag

Kaehler revealed three of Aniston’s Body Blast exercises, that just go for five minutes.

There’s no expensive equipment or gym membership required. In fact, you probably don’t even have to leave your bedroom to do them.

Jennifer Aniston’s 5-Minute Body Blasts

Workout 1

- One minute of non-stop skipping

- One minute of tricep dips

"Put the backs of your hands on the edge of a chair and scoot down towards the floow and lift yourself back up,' says Kaehler.

- One minute of tricep kickbacks

"For these, stand on a resistant band, hold each end in your hand, bend forward and stretch the band behind you," she says.

- One minute of push-ups against the wall

- One minute of push-ups on the floor

RELATED: How to ease yourself back into exercise when you’ve seriously dropped the ball

Workout 2

- One minute of star jumps

- One minute of squats

- One minute of commandos

"Start on your stomach, keep your back flat, do a push up, then tuck one knee under, before returning to your original push up position. Then repeat over and knee tuck the other side," Kaehler explains.

- Two minutes of lunging (one minute on each leg). (Post continues after gallery.)


Workout 3

- One minute of back raises

"Lie face down on the floor with your hands by your ears. Raise your upper torso off the floor and squeeze your shoulder blades together," Kaehler says.

- One minute of stomach crunches

- One minute of oblique crunches

"This is a sit-up where your elbow touches your opposite knee," she says.

- One minute of planking

- Two minutes of side planking (a minute each side)

An exercise routine that takes the same time as a microwavable chocolate mug cake? We can spare that.

Will you be giving Aniston's Body Blasts a try?

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