
5 tips to help protect your throat this winter.

Blis Probiotics
Thanks to our brand partner, Blis Probiotics

You probably only notice your tonsils when they’re sore and inflamed.

But those two lymph nodes at the back of your throat are actually your first defence against bacteria and viruses entering your body.

They’re part of your immune system and they play a vital role in keeping you healthy and well.

However, sometimes your tonsils get inflamed while trying to do their job and protect your body.

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of your tonsils. Tonsillitis is very common and can occur at any age. However, it is most common in children and young adults.

When you have tonsillitis, your throat will feel sore and swollen, you might experience pain when swallowing, you may notice white or yellow spots of pus on your tonsils, and you could get a fever.

If you experience any of these symptoms you should see your GP as soon as possible to work out a treatment plan.

The good news is, there are some steps you can take to help prevent you from getting tonsillitis in the first place.

Wash your hands often.

Tonsillitis is contagious. At this time of year everyone around you – in the office, on the bus, in the supermarket – may be coughing and sneezing.

You can help stop the spread of germs by washing your hands as often and as thoroughly as you can.

If you sneeze or cough, make sure you have a tissue handy, and wash your hands afterwards.

is tonsillitis contagious
Remember to use tissues and wash your hands thoroughly. Image: Getty.

Take a probiotic.

Sometimes your good bacteria needs a little help - and that's where probiotics come in.

As you're probably aware, probiotics can help restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut, which in turn boosts your immune system.

The same process can happen in your throat and mouth.

There are now targeted probiotics for the throat and mouth like BLIS® Probiotics ThroatGuard, a high-strength daily probiotic that promotes good bacteria in the mouth, and helps to crowd out bad bacteria.

The daily lozenge contains the naturally occurring BLIS K12™ strain, which targets the mouth and throat, helping to support the balance of good bacteria in the mouth.

Avoid sharing toothbrushes.

You might be tempted to use your partner's toothbrush on the odd occasion that you forget yours.


Don't risk it.

This puts your tonsils in direct contact with bacteria and potential viruses. You're better off using some mouthwash or running out to grab a new toothbrush at the convenience store down the road.

Avoid people who are unwell.

If you can, keep a distance from people who are unwell.

Tonsillitis is shared by airborne respiratory droplets, from coughing and sneezing, and by saliva, from kissing and sharing drinks.

Obviously, it's not easy to completely avoid sick people, as some people will continue to come to work or travel on public transport when they're ill.

If you do come into contact with someone who is unwell, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

Don't share drinks or eating utensils.

Although it might be tempting to try your friend's cocktail at Friday night drinks, sipping on someone else's drink can put you in direct contact with bacteria and viruses.

Stick to your own drink and make sure you thoroughly wash eating utensils - like forks, knives and spoons - between uses.

Following these simple steps will greatly reduce your chances of contracting tonsillitis. That means you can get out there and enjoy the winter months, instead of being stuck inside on the couch, with a box of tissues and a sore throat.

BLIS PROBIOTICS is a new range of targeted probiotics that has just launched in Australia. The BLIS PROBIOTICS range has been developed with the naturally occurring BLIS K12 strain (streptococcus salivarius K12). Unlike most probiotics, which work in the gut, BLIS K12 targets and protects the gateway to the body – the mouth and throat.

This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your health professional.
Blis Probiotics

"BLIS PROBIOTICS is a world first targeted throat probiotic protecting the gateway to the body – the mouth and throat – for a new approach to throat health this winter.

It is a probiotic lozenge containing the naturally occurring BLIS K12 strain, which targets the mouth and throat, helping to support the balance of good bacteria in the mouth.

BLIS PROBIOTICS is backed by more than 30 years of research.*

*Tagg, J R et al. “Bacteriocins of gram-positive bacteria” Bacteriological reviews vol. 40,3 (1976): 722-56.

Available in pharmacies.
This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your health professional.
For more information, visit"

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