
The hair invention you do not need (or do you?)

Image via YoBrush

I can never find my hair brush. Ever. And I own at least six of them. It’s like my desk, my house and my handbag all contain secret black holes through which only combs and brushes can pass.

My phone on the other hand? That stays with me at all times. I never leave it, I never lose it, and on the off chance I can’t find it, I can always call it. Which is why I’m willing to give this preposterous invention a little bit of time:

This is a YoBrush, a hairbrush/iPhone case combination. The plastic brush snaps on like any other phone case, except THIS one has rows of plastic spikes on the back, so you can use it as a hairbrush too. The website promises that the brush is a new way to reduce clutter in your purse/life, but we're not so sure.

For instance - I feel like maybe those spikes would hurt when you answer your phone? Also, while you're using your YoBrush as a brush, wouldn't your palms get the screen all sweaty? And what happens if your phone is set to vibrate and starts ringing while you're combing your hair? Aren't those spikes just begging to get headphone cables tangled up in them?

Fortunately, all of my questions are answered in this highly informative video:

KIDDING! That video made no sense. Except for the part where the model visibly flinched while trying to pick her YoBrush up.

And yet, I want to buy one immediately.

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What do you think? Is this invention madness, genius or both?

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