Last week, I read an article about the huge victory for women in sport – where a sporting league made up entirely of women at the peak of their career gained funding for public broadcast on a major television network, and the women did not have to resort to taking off their clothes in order to gain media respect and public attention.
Only… this didn’t actually happen.
It seems for every small step forward women take in their chosen fields, there are two scantily-clad steps backward in putting them on equal footing with men in today’s society. So allow me to introduce you to the new wave of sports women.
Women who are unapologetic in their skill, strength, fitness and professionalism; women who can captivate their audience for a two hour game, selling sold out games and gaining a near cult following.
And here’s the best part: They’re not only fully clothed, but are covered from head to toe with minimal skin showing. These women don’t need to get half naked to capture your attention. These women are just plain awesome at what they do and people love to watch.
Welcome to the incredible, fast-paced world of Australian Women’s Ice Hockey, where the league is comprised of women varying in age who come together to thrill crowds all over the country in a sport that is seldom associated as Australian. Furthermore, please allow us to introduce Emma Poynton, who is not only a member of The Melbourne Ice Women’s team, but is also the first female President of a sporting league team in the country.
Emma or “Pres” as she is affectionately known is a clinical Sport’s Podiatrist, has a well established practice, meaning she has dealt with athletes in various forms and capacities as well as being an athlete herself.