This is what I see when I look in the mirror:
I see confidence, happiness, drive, an eye for style and strong armour.
Things many people don’t expect of me.
Sometimes I wonder whether people with visible differences and disabilities are not expected to be happy with our appearance. That we should feel ashamed. We should want to and try to change how we look. We should seek a cure, or at least something to cover up that unsightly…
Why should we want to go to a hairdresser and get a fabulous haircut or buy some great clothes when we’ve got this affliction?
How can we possibly be happy when we’re so far removed from any magazine cover, let alone the model on page 87 of that magazine?
Others tell us they could not handle looking like us.
So what would you say if I said I was happy with myself when I look in the mirror?
Even though I was born with a rare, severe skin condition called Ichthyosis that makes me look like I forgot to wear sunscreen?
Even when people question whether I should be or suggest I should find a cosmetic cure?
Because I am.
I can look myself in the eye the same way I look the world in the eye.
Being comfortable with and confident about my appearance surprises people. It shouldn’t.