
"A visit from Aunt Flo" the hilarious period video every woman needs to see.

On the rag. The red sea. It’s my time of the month. My monthly visitor.

Or, you know, your period.

Aunt Flo comes to town every month for most women, and it’s often as traumatic, emotional and as painful as the stereotypes would have you believe.

But interestingly, have we ever actually thought about how women feel about their period at different stages of their life?

The young girl who desperately wants to experience it as proof that she is growing up. The young professional whose period is late, and who doesn’t know how take this information as this point in her life. And the middle-aged woman who is about to bid farewell to her period for the last time, marking a new era in her life.

Periods are as painful as our feelings towards them symptomatic of where we are at in our lives.

And this video couldn’t sum it up any better.

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