
Eight habits that'll stop you slacking off from your fitness routine.

Consider yourself a bit of a slacker at the moment? Can’t really get motivated because *insert excuse in here*?

Look, lady, I’ve been there. We’ve all been there. But seriously — you are too legit to quit, so let’s get you out of this funk. I’ve even got brought my whip.

1. Don’t be harsh on yourself.

One ‘bad’ day (or week, or month, etc) doesn’t mean it’s over.

Imagine this: you’ve eaten a Big Mac and washed it down with a strawberry thickshake, followed by a donut. By this point you’re practically rolling yourself down the hill, ready for the next shitty treat.

You might feel like you’ve put on 10 kilos in that one sitting, but guess what? You haven’t. It’s physically impossible to ruin your diet with just a few not-so-healthy (but delicious) choices.

The same goes for that session you missed with your trainer. Pull yourself together, move on and get to next available one, stat.

Watch: Those Two Girls on the types of people you meet at the gym.

2. Realise you’re tougher than you think.

Woman are built tough. By nature, we’re the ones who keep shit together, have the babies, and are all round forces to be reckoned with. We do very well with praise, so don’t get in a negative spin with yourself.

Take a breath, love yourself and set that alarm (…or five). You’ve freakin’ got this.


3. Don’t be a quitter.

Stop being the one who quits, and remember why you started off in the first place. For instance, I love my comfy bed but I also know my body and mental state thrive with exercise. If I’m to feel and look good, I remind myself that output (that’s my exercise) must occur.

If you are very goal-focused, reassess what’s important for you to be achieving right now and work towards it.

Remember why you started in the first place. (iStock)

4. Tidy up your surroundings.

Give your surroundings a good ol' spring clean, because nothing gets you down in the dumps like clutter and mess.

With stuff everywhere, dirt and grime, you start to feel like it’s all getting a bit too much, right? Whack on some tunes, ponytail that hair and get cleaning. Tidy house = tidy mind.

Bonus: you’ve also clocked up some incidental exercise here. You are back in the game. (Post continues after gallery).

5. Change it up.

Just do something fun. If you tend to take your workouts really seriously and they've been providing little joy for you recent, then maybe it’s time to just have a little fun with your session.

Take it outdoors; go for a hike up a big mountain, take a surfing lesson or try a hip hop class. Even if it turns out to not be your cup of tea, at least you took a little step outside of your comfort zone.

6. Build a support network.

If the issue is time, or you are feeling under pressure, talk to your partner or support network about what would be helpful to you.

This is where you open up the lines of communication. Could your partner look after the kids for an hour while you squeeze in a workout, or could you organise a friend to do a play date so you can fit your session in? Could the baby hang out in the bouncer while you do a bodyweight workout in the living room? Do you really need to be the only one staying back at work?


Watch: Sam Wood demonstrates a simple bodyweight circuit you can do at home. (Post continues after video.)

7. Put yourself first.

We have to set boundaries with our time. Stop putting your needs at the bottom of everyone else’s — that goes for children, partners and work colleagues. Most women I work with find working out first thing in the morning is key for them; a quick 30 or 45 minute session, shower, brekkie, kids/school run, then off to work.

Don't hesitate to put yourself first. (iStock)

 8. Set up a reward system.

Need external motivation? Set up a reward structure to motivate you to get your sessions in. It might sound juvenile, but it can become quite addictive and pay off in the long run. New pair of shoes, anyone?

Also, check out PTs or bootcamps in your area. Getting someone else to kick your butt may just be the boost you need — show up and get it done.

How do you motivate yourself?

This post originally appeared on Natalie Carter Talks Fitness. Natalie Carter is a personal trainer and fitness expert, and you can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Featured image: iStock

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