
5 realistic ways to stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

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How many times have we all made well intentioned New Year’s resolutions, only to break them weeks later? Lofty goals like “eating healthily”, “exercising more” and “making more time for reading” sound almost doomed to fail.

“We are creatures of habit. If we don’t plan [and believe in] our resolutions, we are likely to fail,” explains Karina Stewart, the co-founder of Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary.

Michelle Bridges doesn’t like New Year’s resolutions. Here are 5 things she wants you to do instead.

If you really want to see your New Year’s resolutions out to the end, here are some questions and techniques to keep in mind.

1. Can you stick it out for 28 days?

“A new habit that can be created and practiced for 28 days is more likely to be sustainable,” Karina says.

With that in mind, it’s safe to say that the first month is going to be the hardest. But if you’re confident you can stay motivated throughout January, February is more likely to come naturally. Then March. And so on. Just make sure you keep the passion going for those first 28 days.

2. Plan it

Make 2015 yours... by planning.


Planning can make a big difference in determining your success - and specificity is key. Keep your resolutions small, manageable and consistent, like including more vegetables on your grocery list each week. Ideally, it's a good idea to have this action plan ready in time for NYE, but it's never too late to start.

The thing is, making abstract resolutions about our health and wellbeing is neither realistic nor likely to succeed. Set yourself a specific goal each week and stick to it. For instance, "I will only eat takeaway food once on the weekend [and nominate a day]" or "I will include vegetables with both lunch and dinner". These achievable goals will make you feel more accomplished and will boost further efforts.


93% of Australians don’t eat enough veggies; here’s how to join the 7%

3. Be emotionally connected

Karina says we're more likely to stick to our resolutions if we are emotionally connected to them.

Let's just say, for example, that your resolution is to "do more yoga" - and it was a friend who inspired you to start. Speaking to that friend often will help maintain your emotional connection to the goal, and thus give your motivation more longevity. Viewing your resolutions as things that are important to you, rather than just items on a list, can make all the difference.

Repeat these to yourself:

4. Remind yourself why you want it

The only person who can keep you on track with your resolutions is... yep, it's you. So keep reminding yourself what you want to achieve - or what habit you want to break - and why it matters so much to you.  Surrounding yourself with positive images of your goals can be inspiring when you're exhausted from the effort of making consistent changes.

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5. Get a little help

If one of your resolutions is a little more long-term and profound, Karina says getting advice and guidance is key. For example, if the goal is to quit smoking in preparation for pregnancy, reading up on pre-natal health, taking preparatory folate supplements, and booking a treatment (such as acupuncture) to help alleviate cravings, can all help to strengthen resolve in times of temptation.

How do you make your resolutions happen?

Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary is a multi-award winning resort offering holistic wellness experiences that integrate East and West healing therapies. It features a breathtaking natural environment, inspired healthy cuisine and customised programs.

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