
'I'm a personal trainer. Here are 3 ways your partner might be sabotaging your fitness routine.'

It’s not you, it's me.

Oh wait. Actually, it is you.

The odds are already stacked against us when it comes to adhering to our fitness routine. Competing priorities, distractions and two-for-one-parma-nights — they're all hurdles before we can even lace up our shoes.

But the following advice isn’t actually for YOU, my well-intentioned beauties. The following advice is for the bystander. The loved-one. The TWO in the two-for-one-parma-night. 

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As much as we love our number two and they love us, sometimes they can be an unintentional hurdle when it comes to starting or sticking to our fitness routine. 

So, if you're on a fitness journey and looking for that extra bit of support, this is where YOU sign off and THEY start reading.

Here are three ways your partner might be (unintentionally) sabotaging your fitness routine — and the changes they need to make.

1. Creating unnecessary obstacles.

"Aw, stay in bed, it’s cold."

"Just miss it this once."

"Who’s going to eat the second parma?"

Sound familiar? 

Mostly innocent, but still damaging, the words you use no matter how ‘nice’ are just another obstacle to overcome to the already myriad of obstacles to overcome it takes to create healthy habits. 


And that’s just it, habits. 

While ONE missed session snuggled in bed doesn’t make a difference to outcomes, it does become a slippery slope and unhelpful when trying to establish a pattern of behaviour that requires consistency to get started.  

Instead: Facilitate and respect your partner's new habit. If it’s an early morning workout, instead of “Aw, stay in bed”, it's all about using words of encouragement. Something like, “See you when you’re back!” and then roll over in your warm bed like a normal person… jokes, jokes. 

2. Putting a 'hand brake' on progress.

"You’re obsessed."

"Are you exercising again?"

"You’re getting too skinny/muscly/insert any and every unhelpful physical observation here."

Why. Do. We. Say. THESE. THINGS? 

What purpose do they serve to your loved one who has decided that they want to embark on a healthier lifestyle? Why do you want them to stop? 

It's important to remember that something has triggered your partner to get started on a fitness journey and they do not need a handbrake. 

If these words are exiting your mouth, it’s time to reflect and ask yourself why. 

Also, keep in mind that it’s not “obsessive” to be physically active on most days of the week. In fact, the Australian Guidelines for Physical Activity recommends physical activities on “most (preferably) all days”.


Instead: Try affirming words of encouragement and celebrating your partner's new healthy habit — things like saying, “I’m so proud of you for sticking to your routine” or helping them with accountability, “so the plan is Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning, right?”.

3. Making plans over designated 'workout time'.

While words are weapons that can be used for good and evil, there are actions that you might be taking that are thoughtless (rather than deliberate) that are contributing to derailing fitness routines. 

For example, making plans on days/times without thinking, when potentially these are the days/times your loved one has carved for their workout. 

In my experience, “time to workout” is the number one barrier to consistent exercise, so the action of piling on activities without a second thought could make it super unhelpful to help keep your bestie on track.

Instead: Actions — no matter how small — are unmistakable gestures of support. For example, booking catch-ups with friends/family with your significant other's fitness routine in mind. Encouraging them to set their alarm and get their clothes ready for an early morning workout. 

Hell, you could even join them for one of their workouts.

Marie has been a fitness industry professional since 2005 and currently owns UBX Boxing + Strength in Belconnen. She is a qualified Personal Trainer, Les Mills group fitness instructor, CrossFit coach and Pilates teacher. Follow her on Instagram here.

Are you or your partner guilty of any of the above? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Feature Image: Supplied/Instagram @marie_anagnostis.

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