
The time to honour Connie is now. Here are three things we can do today.

In her 40 years, Connie Johnson created a legacy that will likely save the lives of countless mothers, sisters, daughters, girlfriends and aunties.

Love Your Sister, the foundation she created with the help of her ever-passionate brother Sam, was born from Connie’s innate desire to spread the word of the sisterhood: to care for ourselves, to look out for each other, and, ultimately, to vanquish cancers of all forms.

The tight-knit Love Your Sister community has raised over $5 million for cancer research.

Listen: Samuel Johnson speaks to Mia Freedman about Connie and Love Your Sister’s vision…

In the days leading up to Connie’s death, when she was awarded an Order of Australia medal, she turned to Sam and said “Can you believe it? Can you believe it? Look what we did. We did something!”

And did she ever.

But the work is not yet done. After Connie’s passing there is still so much we can do in her honour, to further the message she so valiantly sent far and wide.

Here’s how you can help.

1. Check your boobs

As Connie and Sam have told us so many times, your boobs are important, and it’s crucial you “keep more than a casual eye on them”.

We all need to be more alert, thorough, and proactive when it comes to our breast health.

Please follow the steps listed below and, if you encounter any irregularities, we urge you to contact your local GP immediately.

Image: Love Your Sister

Once you've checked your own? Drag your loved ones aside and urge them to do the same.

2. Leave a tribute

If Connie touched your life - there are over half a million women in the Love My Sister community, after all - you can write a tribute to her over at their website here.

Share your stories. Your beautiful photos. Your pain and your triumphs. If there's ever been a time to band together, it's now.

3. Donate to Love Your Sister

The best way to continue Connie's legacy is to act, and to help the experts find a cure for this evil disease.

The good news is this: acting is simple. If you want to make a change, you can donate to LYS right here.

It doesn't have to be a groundbreaking amount - anything you can spare will help pave the way to a cancer-free world, one where mothers like Connie are around to see their children grow up.

Connie, thank you for creating a world where more women are breast-aware. All Australian women are better off for your existence in the world.

How will you be remembering Connie? Let us know in the comments below...

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