All of us have such busy lives which include absolutely no time for headaches – especially if they are the debilitating type which stop us in our tracks, such as migraines. Whether you’re running after the kids, rushing to work or trying to push through a pregnancy migraine, a migraine can totally derail your plans for the day.
According to Headache Australia, a migraine is a type of headache which occurs with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and/or sensitivity to light and sound. For sufferers, migraines are a nightmare which don’t always just go away with basic pain medication.
As migraine sufferers know too well, managing an episode is not just a matter of taking pain relief and getting on with things, because physical activity often worsens symptoms.
So what can be done to get through a migraine and help ease your symptoms?* Most of us know about the medications out there, so today let’s look into the other things that can help.
I asked my friends and colleagues who suffer from migraines to share a few things that they’ve found help them when the pain strikes.
1. Find your darkness – or your shades.
Migraines often trigger photosensitivity, making the sufferer sensitive to light. Many sufferers recommend finding a darkened place, which has as little light as possible, to immediately soothe symptoms.
Darkness will also help to avoid visual disturbances, such as flashing lights. This is where wearing sunglasses or tinted lenses – even indoors – may make you feel better, as they have for one of my friends.
A lack of light will also probably mean a cooler environment, which will also help. As another friend tells me, “if I’m at home, I darken the room, turn on the fan, lie down, drink water and turn on meditation music.”