This is the key to exercise motivation.
Ask anyone who doesn’t exercise enough and they’ll tell you that the one thing standing between them and a fixed and passionate exercise regime is time.
I say this with confidence because I’m one of them. When feeling a bit sluggish, I will moan loudly to anyone within earshot that I’d be moving my body so much more, if only, if only, if ONLY I had more time.
You see, organised sport requires regular commitment, which you just can’t make with the erratic hours of my job. And finding an hour for the gym can be so damn tough when the ironing is piling up at home and it’s been an embarrassingly long period since the shower was cleaned. Introduce children (or in my case, pregnancy) into the mix? And the plethora of available excuses increases tenfold.
But that’s all they are. Excuses.
Because time is only one of many barriers standing between any of us and physical fitness. A lack of social support, motivation, and, you guessed it, children, are all recognised barriers for Australians – particularly women – to maintain an active lifestyle.
Funnily enough, there is a common cure for all of these barriers. And it lies in MOTIVATION. The true challenge is finding that motivation; once you’re properly motivated, pockets of exercise time emerge in the diary that simply weren’t there before.
And as the days get shorter, the weather colder and the availability of meals with delicious warm gravy on top increases, motivation can become a foreign concept. A cup of Milo (microwaved so the chocolate goes crunchy on top please), pyjamas, the couch and Netflix seem infinitely preferable to pulling on joggers and facing the outside world.