
Four ways to motivate yourself to exercise.

Thanks to our brand partner, Berlei_MM021214-PBL7

You can do it (and actually enjoy it).

We all know what it feels like to fall out of fitness.

Something happens – like a holiday, a festive season or weeks of cold and rain. It’s a situation (or excuse) that stops you from running, jogging, riding or pumping iron. And before you know it, you are incredibly out of shape.

Fitness is annoying like that – you take months and months to reach peak fitness, but a week off and bam – you’re almost back to square one.

It happened to me recently. I had a few weekends of back-to-back social occasions and let’s just say I ate and drank a little too much, and I DID NOT exercise. I came back to my ‘normal’ life and thought I’d slip seamlessly back to my old routine – a run a day. Easy, right?

Wrong – so wrong.

I just couldn’t get motivated. I was feeling lethargic and I knew I had to get on that bandwagon – there was only way to kick start my fitness regime again…new gear.

Seriously, if you’re a runner, or want to start (or even just enjoy thinking about it) here are the four things you need.


1. Good quality (and bright) runners.

This is definitely one of your most important investments as a jogger, runner or fast walker.  You have to make sure you have decent runners (that are preferably less than six months old) that are the right kind for your feet. I’ve also decided it helps if they are brightly coloured – just to add some extra bounce in to your step.

Like these.

“I’ve also decided it helps if they are brightly coloured – just to add some extra bounce in to your step.”


2. Good quality socks.

Before you throw your head back and laugh – socks are just as important as your shoes. You don’t want to get tinea and you don’t want to get blisters, so good socks are vital. Sweaty feet equal all of the aforementioned problems. So you need socks that let your foot breathe while also supporting your foot. Dry fit socks that hug your arch are amazing.

“Before you throw your head back and laugh – socks are just as important as your shoes. “


Just as an FYI, you should know that this is an advertorial for Berlei.

3. A sturdy sports bra.

The most important part of your body to look after when running (or exercising in general) are your boobs. Whether you have big ones that really bounce, or little nippers that jiggle – without a supportive bra you could be doing some serious damage. Berlei is your go to bra for support. You have an obligation to protect your breasts and Berlei is the best bra for doing this. It is the only brand that will look after your lady friends better than you do.

“You have an obligation to protect your breasts and Berlei is the best bra for doing this. It is the only brand that will look after your lady friends better than you do.”

4. A lightweight top.

We are human – so we sweat. It’s gross but it’s also a natural bodily function that proves you’ve had a good solid workout. When you run there’s nothing worse than feeling like you are trapped in a dripping sauna under a hot, unbreathable t-shirt.

As a runner you need something comfortable and something that will let your skin breathe. Because there’s nothing better than feeling the wind through your shirt as you jog on your chosen terrain.


“As a runner you need something comfortable and something that will let your skin breathe. Because there’s nothing better than feeling the wind through your shirt as you jog on your chosen terrain.” 

So, now that we’re all getting back in to our ‘normal’ daily routines (fitness days included) we need to stock up on our running gear – so don’t forget a support bra, breathable socks and tops and bright shoes.

What gets you motivated for fitness?

Here are some of our fave songs for putting feet to pavement:

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The pornographication of fitness needs to stop immediately.

9 facts about boobs, bounce, and exercise we bet you didn’t know.



 Did you know an unsupported B cup can bounce up to 8cm

during exercise?

Ouch! Protect  your breasts from permanent ligament damage and  breast tissue sagging with a Berlei Sports bra. The only Sports bras tested and proven by the Australian Institute of Sport to reduce breast bounce by up to 60%.






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