
6 thoughts that every woman has when she exercises.

Thanks to our brand partner, Berlei

When you think of exercise you often think of a perfect Instagram image – toned legs jogging down a long stretch of road with a sunset in the background, top end head phones and not one drop of sweat.

But then there’s the real version – beetroot red face, Niagara Falls running down your back, blisters on your feet, no sunrise or sunset to admire, and some problems with bodily jiggles – like your boobs bouncing around.

Don’t get me wrong. I love exercising. But I – like many women before me – love the idea of exercising more.

When I do drag myself out of bed, put my sturdy sports bra on, slip into my lycra and start jogging, jumping or pumping iron I have the same thoughts as every other woman.

These are the 6 thoughts that every woman has when she exercises.

Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Berlei. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

1. “Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop.”

When you’re about one minute into your epic fitness routine you are DYING. Yep, 30 seconds in you’re thinking – “I love these endorphins”. And next minute you just want it to end. It feels like the longest hour of your life.

2. “Totally having dessert.”

You’ve been squatting so hard you’re hoping to rival Kim K’s butt by the end of the session. And you’ve been secretly competing against the guy on the treadmill next to you who seems to have the stamina of Flashman. While you’re slowly dying on the fast moving machine, you decide that you WILL be having dessert tonight. You deserve it.

3. “Can’t breathe – must be having a heart attack.”

You are well and truly into your workout by now, and you are killing it. All of a sudden you start feeling slightly short of breath. Oh no wait, really short of breath. Actually you can’t breathe. You may be having a heart attack – you should probably stop now.


4. “Oh, my dog looks like he needs a break, better walk for a while.”

Just like farting – you can always blame your need to walk on the dog. You’ll tell anyone that of course you could’ve finished that 5km feat no sweat, but dear little Ralph was panting and really needed a break. Dignity saved.

5. “Please God, make sure I don’t run into anyone I know.”

You’ve been wheezing, limping, panting, sweating, holding your hips and basically just struggling at life. Your face is redder than the love child of a can of beetroots and tomatoes. You know that you’re not looking your best, but you WILL fit in to those skinny jeans from last year, dammit. Just please don’t let anyone see you.

6. I wish my boobs would stop bouncing around.

Every woman has had this thought so many times in her history of running, jumping, skipping – even walking. When you exercise, your boobs take on a life of their own as they bounce and jiggle. Often it’s at this time that you think about getting a good sports bra – one that can support your breasts. You need something like those bras that the professional athletes wear – if they’re good enough for them, they must be good enough to hold your puppies down. Because you have an obligation to protect your breasts while looking after your fitness.

Exercising is an emotional rollercoaster – no one’s denying that. You want to keep fit, but you’ve got to tackle these thoughts to get through. Your body doesn’t always work with your mind.

You’ve got to deal with sweat, a red face, side stitches, jiggly bits, and then there’s your boobs – just make sure you look after them. Because they’re important assets that shouldn’t stop you from doing what you love to hate.

What’s running through your mind when you exercise?


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