
Everyone is losing their mind over this psychology teacher's genius list of easy stress hacks.

A psychology teacher’s GENIUS guide to coping with stress – which he specially designed for his students – has resonated with people worldwide after one of his students tweeted the document.

Earlier this month Oxnard, California high school student Alina Ramirez, tweeted a list of ‘101 Ways to Cope with Stress’ that her psychology teacher Brett Phillips had given to her class.

The techniques are unexpectedly simple, easy and practical.

Ramirez told Buzzfeed her teacher Brett Phillips understands the level of stress his students are under and that his list of advice for preventing and dealing with stressful situations has been very helpful for the high school senior and her classmates.

“He knows how stressed we are with school, sports, work, and life in general, so he gave us the paper to help us, and just to have in case we are stressed,” she says.

Photo: Twitter/ @lovelyyy_lina

The list is a mix of practical, abstract and silly advice.

For example: number one is “Get up 15 minutes earlier”, number 38 is “Stop thinking  tomorrow will be a better today”, and number 83 is “Play patty cake with a toddler”.

Photo: Twitter/ @lovelyyy_lina

Some tips are basic life advice like, “23.  Be prepared for rain”.

Some are about organisation like,”14. Always make copies of important papers”.

While others offer advice on how to boost positivity like, “40. Dance a jig”.

Phillips told BuzzFeed this is the 10th year he’s given his students the list he compiled from “various textbooks I’ve read, articles, and just thinking of things that most people could do to live a less stressful life.”

He says he specifically puts the Stress and Health unit of his psychology class first so as to help his students deal with the stress of college applications and of just generally being a 17 or 18-year-old kid.

“Honestly his list has helped me a lot,” Ramirez tells Buzzfeed.

And she’s not the only one. Ramirez’s tweet has 23,845 retweets and 29,468 likes proving that sometimes the simplest advice is the best advice.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go “25. Pet a friendly dog/cat”.

For more tips on leading a happier and healthier life, listen to The Well podcast:

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