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You know what clothing suits your body type before you go shopping, you know your skin type before buying beauty products, but do you know your face shape when it comes to buying glasses and sunglasses?
I thought I did, but as it turns out I’ve been buying the wrong glasses my whole life. And you probably have too.
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Most Australians think they have an oval or round face shape, but new research suggests otherwise, with oval and round face shapes only accounting for 14% and 11% of the population respectively.
I had my face mapped by leading facial recognition scientist Dr. Kendra Schmid, PhD, who has been working with OPSM (along with The FaceHunter, Yvan Rodic) to determine the face shape of over 1000 Australians.
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Bizarrely, no one has ever questioned the four traditional face shapes, round, oval, square and heart, before. When out of the 25 million people living in Australia, a quarter were born overseas and millions of us have more than three ancestries, it makes sense that our faces wouldn’t fit the traditional moulds.