The right credit card could save you hundreds of pounds a year. But with so many different cards to choose from, how do you know which is the best for you? The key thing is to think about how you use your credit card as this will determine what type of card you need. For example, there’s no point in going for 0% deal if you pay your credit card bill in full each month. Here, we highlight five different types of credit card user and look at the best cards for each.
By Clare Francis, MoneySupermarket
I have existing credit card debts. Which cards offer the best deal?
If you own money on credit or store cards you are probably paying more interest than you need to.
I need to make a large purchase but want to spread the cost.
I clear my balance every month. Which cards offer the best deal?
If you pay off your credit card in full each month you won’t be charged interest.
I travel abroad a lot. Which cards offer the best deal?
Most credit cards levy fees if you use them abroad.
I have a poor credit score.