
Safety concerns after popular Christmas toy catches fire.

They’re the toys on every child’s wishlist this Christmas – but experts have warned that hoverboards could come with a serious safety risk.

Consumer group Choice has advised that the popular items, made famous by the Back to the Future films, could be a potential fire hazard.

The warning comes after the London Fire Brigade issued it’s own warning after hoverboards caused two house fires in October.

Image via Getty.

According to experts, the fire risk is caused by the toys' lithium batteries overcharging and exploding.

Apparently, non-compliant plugs without fuses are to blame, as they can boost the risk of the toy overheating and burning.

So far, the affected models have been cheap overseas imports.

Choice spokesman Tom Godfrey told that the fire risk was "very real".

“We are aware of a number of overseas reports of hoverboards catching fire while charging, with incidents being reported in Hong Kong, England and United States,” he said.

“Although some hoverboards carry warnings about overcharging in their manuals, it’s important to ensure you charge the device as directed.

WATCH college kids test drive hoverboards. Post continues after video...

Video via People Be Like

“Don’t put it on to charge and forget about it. It is important to unplug the device from the wall socket when fully charged.”


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