
Heroic Aussie grandmother donates kidney to sick grandson.


A selfless Aussie grandma has given her sick grandson the ultimate gift by donating a kidney.

Little Kaije Archer, who turns three in April and who lives in Launceston, was born with a rare but serious genetic condition called congenital nephrotic syndrome.

It caused Kaije’s kidneys to filter too much of the protein albumin, which lead to swelling and a weakened immune system.

grandmother donates kidney
Image via iStock.

Parents Gregory Archer, 23, and Katelyn Boon, 29, were struggling to cope with their son's illness when Boon's mother Robyn Butterworth decided to donate her own kidney to her grandson.

The transplant was successfully carried out in Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital last week and thankfully, both nana and grandson are now doing well, according to The Examiner.


In fact, Kaije is now free of the condition.

Archer told the publication he was grateful to his future mother-in-law.

"It's been a long time coming and the fact that we know normality is basically right around the corner – it's possibly one of the happiest moments of our lives, that's for sure," he said.

Image via iStock.

"There isn't a thing I could say or do that could show just how much what she's done means for us.

"We've had our setbacks, we've had our hiccups, he's certainly had his fair share of hiccups – despite it all, we're just so happy that it's coming to an end."

Well done, Robyn - your family is lucky to have you.

Click here to donate to the Archer family.

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