
The rates of gonorrhoea are up up 50 per cent in Queensland.

More than 900 Queenslanders have been diagnosed with gonorrhoea so far this year, a more than 50 per cent jump compared to 12 months ago.

Data obtained by AAP from Queensland Health shows there were 945 notifications for the sexually transmitted infection (STI) between January 1 and March 6 in 2017, compared to 624 for the same period in 2016.

Infectious syphilis rates were also tracking higher compared to a year ago.

It comes after some sexual health advocates warned Queenslanders to take greater precautions to protect themselves when using dating apps.

In 2016, gonorrhoea notifications in the state jumped by a staggering 32 per cent, while chlamydia cases rose by 7.5 per cent.

Symptoms of gonorrhoea can include pain when urinating, cramps or pain in the lower abdomen for women and swollen testes for men.

pull out method success rate
Condoms are the best protection against STIs.(Image via iStock.)

But some people don't know they have contracted the infection because they may not show obvious signs.

Queensland Health said the increase in gonorrhoea and syphilis notifications could be due to increased testing.

"What we are seeing is sexually active adults being responsible and getting tested," a spokesperson told AAP.

"This increase in testing is, in part, due to initiatives like the expanded Q-PrEP Trial where participants are required to undertake quarterly STI screening."

Listen: Your 'number' doesn't matter as long as you practice safe sex.

AMA Queensland vice president Dr Bill Boyd said fighting STI rates was a "constant battle" for society.

If left untreated, he said gonorrhoea could do significant damage to a woman's Fallopian tubes and potentially inhibit fertility.

Health Minister Cameron Dick Health on Wednesday announced $487,000 for point-of-care testing, management and surveillance of STIs in North Queensland Hospital and Health Services (HHS).

It's hoped the new testing procedure, which can be deliver results in 90 minutes, will help rural communities and also mean those who return positive results can start treatment immediately.

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