
The 16-year-old girl who died because she was afraid to go to the toilet.

Her phobia is the reason she is not here today.

In February of 2013 in Cornwall, England, a 16-year-old girl died from cardiac arrest as a result chronic constipation.

An inquest took place at Truro City Hall in the UK, which heard Titterington’s bowel had become so distended with constipation, it began pushing on her other organs, displacing them and compressing her chest cavity.

Truro CIty Hall, Cornwall.

According to BBC, Emily Titterington’s family states she would regularly hold her bowel movements for six to eight weeks at a time. She did so because of her crippling phobia of toilets.

On the 8th of February 2013, Titterington collapsed in her home. Paramedics found her, collapsed in the bathroom doorway. Lee Taylor told the Daily Mail, “I could see that her abdomen was grossly extended. Her lower ribs had been pushed out further than her pubic bone – I was shocked.” The medical team was unable to revive Miss Titterington.

Daily Mail reports Titterington’s life could have been saved had she accepted appropriate treatment, but in the lead up to her death, the 16-year-old, who was reportedly autistic, refused to be physically examined.

Titterington’s GP, Dr James said he and Geraldine Tittering, Emily’s mother, had tried on many occasions to  persuade her to allow the examination. Dr James prescribed laxatives, but had he been able to examine her stomach in order to properly assess the gravity of the situation, “we would be having a different conversation.”

Emily’s fear caused her to hold onto her stool for up to two months at a time.

The inquest heard pathologist Dr Amanda Jeffery state that although it is more common in young children, Titterington’s symptoms may be indicative of a condition known as ‘stool withholding.’ 

A post-mortem revealed Titterington’s cardiac arrest was likely caused by a “massive extension of the large bowel.”

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