She’s being slammed by surgeons who she’s never met, but my question is, what has Nicole Kidman ever done to you?
I can’t cry. Ever. If I do it is a disaster. The evidence sticks around for days. My eyes swell, my face goes red. Complete facial fail.
Luckily, I am not a world-famous movie star.
Luckily, I decided to stick with smelly bottoms, dirty dishes and packing lunches.
Because if I was, my puffy face would be front-page news for days.
It wouldn’t happen to me, but it has happened to 46-year old Nicole Kidman.
The Oscar-winner has been slammed for her apparently “puffy and frozen face” at the Cannes Film Festival.
While Nicole was there to promote her new film ‘Grace Of Monaco’, she basically got jumped by the plastic-surgery police.
Dr. Marcelo Ghersi, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Florida told Hollywood Life that he thinks, “These recent pictures are a huge departure, giving her face that 'chipmunk cheek' look that we have seen with far too many celebrities. Most likely Nicole has had Juvaderm injected into her cheeks to achieve this look. The reason celebrities (and other woman) do this at a certain age is that they fear their face hollowing. However, when they go too far with injectables to “pump it up,” instead of looking youthful, they look heavy and unnatural in the face.”
Chipmunk cheek? Wow, harsh.
The critics who have given similar quotes through the world’s media are all plastic surgeons who didn’t actually treat Nicole Kidman, so what she may or may not have done to her face is quite simply speculation.
The real issue here, is that if Nicole Kidman wants to fill her face with injectable fillers then Nicole Kidman can.
She’s Nicole Kidman, for goodness sakes. It's her job to have a gorgeous face, to promote her film at Cannes. It's her responsibility is to look the part.
Sadly Nicole Kidman works in an industry that thrives on youth, that exploits itself through beauty and perpetuates the myth of agelessness.
She’s a movie star and a mother to two little girls ages three and five. And despite the media hype over movie stars and their Nannies, she is still their Mum.