There's a new weight loss pill on the market. And it's not what you think it is.
It isn't the blockbuster medication that swooped up Hollywood A-listers. It doesn't involve injections. Or diabetic medicine.
It's called the 'Allurion gastric balloon' — and it's set to revolutionise weight loss as we know it.
Watch: Why Lindy West will never be 'thin'. Post continues below.
The treatment, which has been approved for use in Australia, is a non-surgical gastric balloon which encourages weight loss by restricting the size of the stomach. In a nutshell, it's a device that promises surgical results without the surgery.
So, does it actually work?
Professor Richard Welbourn, a consultant surgeon from the UK, told BBC News the swallowable intragastric balloon expands to "the size of a large grapefruit."
The treatment takes 15 minutes and it doesn't require anaesthesia, hospital stay or downtime.