
Hair loss: It can happen to anyone and it's more common than you probably think.

Hair loss doesn’t just affect middle-aged men.






Earlier this year we met two people, both of whom had been suffering from adult hair loss.

Our female subject began losing her hair in her early twenties when she started stressing out over university. There was no genetic hair loss in her family. Over a decade later and her hair was thinner than ever. It was a source of distress for her each and every day. She did all she could to make it look thicker and fuller without causing further hair loss.

Our male subject loved his hair when he was younger and when he started losing it, immediately sought help. His doctor told him there was medication he could take to stop the loss that could even help it to grow back, but he could suffer from a greatly reduced libido. Not an easy choice for a young man. He chose his libido, shaved his head and figured he’d go through the rest of his adult life without hair.

Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Fusion® Health. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

Both our female and male subjects began taking Fusion Health Hair Tonic three months ago. They both wanted it to work but tried not to get their hopes up.

Now, the results are in.


Female Hair Loss Subject


















I started taking Fusion Health Hair Tonic three months ago. I read all about it and it sounded great but I didn’t want to get too excited. When I was younger my hair was so thick and full. I’d love to have hair like that again. I spoke with Peita from Fusion Health and she explained hair growth wasn’t a guarantee, particularly since my hair loss began so long ago, but it could certainly help me to keep what was left.

I started taking the tonic religiously.

I always tie my hair up in a pony tail to make it look thicker and kept doing that. I didn’t touch it otherwise. I didn’t get a cut, a style, a blowdry, a colour, nothing.

Two weeks ago I went to my regular hair dresser. She swears I have new growth. I was so excited. Then, she pointed out three grey hairs. I’d never had greys before. I was so upset to have grey hair but then realised they were three NEW hairs. The tonic had worked!

We dyed it a darker colour to help it look fuller and to hide the grey. I will take Fusion Health Hair Tonic for the rest of my life, and with time it may even help with the grey hairs.


Male Hair Loss Subject

















People think it’s easier for men to lose their hair than women. It’s not. We suffer just as much anxiety as women.

I loved my hair when I was younger and when I started to lose it I wasn’t a happy camper. Then the doctor told me medication would affect my sex drive. I shaved my head immediately. Better to lose my hair than my libido. Seriously.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve realised that hair loss is the least of my worries. I want to be fit and healthy. I want to be the best version of myself possible. I decided to take the Fusion Health Hair Tonic because I believe in natural health. If my hair grew back, great, if not, it couldn’t hurt.

I stopped shaving my head and started taking the tonic. I have to admit that as my hair grew back I checked it most days for regrowth.

It’s really hard to tell with hair but now that my hair has grown back, there is definitely less scalp showing. I couldn’t believe it, then friends and colleagues said they noticed it too.

Fusion Health Hair Tonic is a part of my life now. Not only is my hair looking better, my nails are really strong and grow faster. It’s gotta be good for you.

It was easy to remember to take them as part of my routine and there haven’t been any side effects whatsoever. I’d definitely recommend it to others. Don’t expect any miracles but it’s worth a shot and it worked for me.


Fusion® Health brings together the ancient principles of Chinese herbal medicine with the science of Western herbal medicine. The result is a range of modern herbal medicines developed to support body, mind and spirit in addressing specific health complaints. Experience the best of both worlds from Fusion® Health. Ask for advice at leading health food stores or discover more at



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