
"I first started losing my hair in my 20s..."






I first started losing my hair when I was in my early twenties. I was young, in love, and completing a demanding year to qualify for my Professional Year in Accounting.

The loss was dramatic and noticeable.

My hair, which had always been thin but full, was significantly reduced. I was horrified and I was in denial. I kept my hair as long as possible and became scared to touch it, even to brush it.

After the stress reduced some of it grew back, but it was never the same.

Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Fusion® Health. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

Then, I started having kids.

It was after the birth of my second child that my hair thinned again, dramatically. I read that after childbirth it is normal to lose some hair but not like this. There were piles of it clogging up our drains. I left hair everywhere I went. I would notice it falling out as I washed it and dried it. There was hair on my hands and on the floor after I’d dried it.

I felt devastated. I started to panic. I began checking my scalp constantly for bald spots. I was constantly running my fingers through my hair and was always left with more strands that had fallen out.

I told my husband, my mum, my sisters and they all said it was just stress. They reminded me of the first time it happened. But this was different.

Then I stopped losing my hair, but my hair has never regrown. It is so thin and fragile now. I think about it every second of every day.


I stopped wearing my hair out. It looked fuller if I wore it up. And then I started trying everything I could to make it grow back. I tried special hair shampoo but it didn’t work. I visited my doctor to see if it was a hormonal problem but they said my hair loss was normal. I knew they were wrong. I knew it wasn’t normal.

They said it could be related to age, stress, hereditary. They were very vague and I quickly realised they’d be of no help at all.

I knew my hair was gone and I felt helpless.

I thought about getting hair extensions to make my hair look fuller but because the small amount of hair that was left was so brittle and fragile I was scared the extensions would break it.

Losing my hair was devastating.

I made the difficult decision to cut it recently. My friend who is a hair dresser convinced me that removing some of the weight from the length would help the small amount I have left look and feel fuller. She was right but it was a difficult decision. I felt like I was letting go of all hope that it might someday grow back.

If I could get at least some of my hair to grow back I would cry tears of sheer joy and happiness. I’d go straight to the hair dresser and get it styled. My biggest fear is that I’ll lose even more and have bald patches. Then what will I do? Never wear it out again? Wear wigs?

Having a healthy head of hair is important to me and I make no apologies for that. Beautiful hair makes us feel feminine and sexy. Most days I don’t feel these things.

I see images of long, shiny, flowing hair and just feel sick and sad.


Over the years I’ve had several friends and family suggest cures for my thinning hair and I’ve tried a lot of them. None have worked.

My sister introduced me to Fusion Health and because I trust her I’ve allowed that little flame of hope to be reignited. I spoke with Fusion Health Herbalist, Peita at length. We explored my medical history together and spoke about my thinning hair and how it felt losing my hair.

She said most people get good results with the Hair Tonic, and whilst everyone is different she was confident it would keep what I have left from falling out and help support new growth. At this stage, that is a win for me. My hair has been gone for too long.

If you notice you have thinning hair you need to go on this formula straight away to increase your chances of keeping your hair. I wish I’d known that.

Basically my Fusion prescribed program involves two Fusion Health Hair Tonic tablets twice a day, one dose of Fusion Health Hair, Skin & Nails. I am also taking the Iron Advanced tablet to address my iron levels, which may affect my hair health.

Fusion® Health brings together the ancient principles of Chinese herbal medicine with the science of Western herbal medicine. The result is a range of modern herbal medicines developed to support body, mind and spirit in addressing specific health complaints. Experience the best of both worlds from Fusion® Health. Ask for advice at leading health food stores or discover more at

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