
The 11 foods you should never put in the freezer. Ever.

The list that had us completely fascinated.

Buying in bulk and freezing the excess has been what all money and food saving mums do all the time.  As tempting as it can be to put that extra carton of milk in the freezer for the long haul, the consequences will be tasteless and messy.

The general rule is this: Nothing should live in your freezer for more than 9 months.

Though there is little that can’t be frozen (including your denim jeans) here are the 11 foods that should never, under any circumstances, see the inside of your frozen food castle.  Unless you like your produce tasting like cardboard.

CLICK THROUGH the gallery to see the list and if you are on your mobile phone, the description is below the images:

Want more? Try this…

11 foods you should never put in the fridge. Ever.

7 things you didn’t know you could do in your microwave.


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