
The 15 biggest fitness trends for 2015

Image: iStock

Judging by Google’s newly-released Year in Trends data, the fitness phenomenons that captivated us in 2014 included Insanity, the 7 Minute Workout and burpees (because clearly we are masochists when it comes to exercise).

Off the tops of our heads, we can also cite hybrid workouts (like Piloxing – pilates combined with boxing), Barre Body and aerial yoga as some of the movements that proved to be huge here in Australia.

So how will we be keeping fit in 2015?

We’ve taken a look into our crystal ball to find out. And by that, we mean we asked the people who actually know. Here’s what the experts predict:

Greg Stark

Owner and founder of Better Being Personal Training, and lululemon ivy ambassador

1. Healthy workplaces

Move over, standing desk - we want a hamster wheel!


"Walking meetings, standing desks, hot desking and healthy vending machines will soon be common practice in all workplaces. We are consulting to numerous employers who are becoming more aware of the benefits to their bottom line if they have happy and healthy staff."

Forget standing desks. You need a human hamster wheel.

2. Tracking technology

"Fitness trackers like Fitbits and Jawbones have been very popular in 2014 and are now even built into your smart phone. These devices make your fitness, sleep and nutrition all easily measurable, they will soon start to have heart technologies built in, such heart rate variability to help track your day to day stress. Watch these devices evolve in 2015 to start to integrate into social networks, have in built rewards programs and gamify for that extra motivation. We are currently working with a number of companies who are white labelling this type of technology for their employee engagement in 2015."


3. The continued rise of HIIT (high intensity interval training)

"With people being more and more time poor expect to see a continued rise in bang for your buck fitness training such as Tabata, 4 minute workout routines. They will require minimal equipment and be focused on mainly body weight exercises, rather than complex heavy weight lifting."

Luke D’Astoli

Director of Training at Acumotum, lululemon Chapel Street Ambassador

4. Women developing a growing appreciation for weight training

Miranda Kerr loves a bit of weight work.


"The benefits of weight training are clear: more muscle, more strength, higher metabolism, better immunity, improved bone density... I could go on. But for a long time there has been a perception from many women that weight training will make you "bulky" and "masculine" looking.

"I believe we are now reaching a tipping point with more and more female role models highlighting the benefits of following a structured weight training program that includes heavy lifts such as squats, presses and rows. This means getting out of the group fitness studio and into the free weights section. Best of all, you won't end up looking 'like a man', just a really strong, healthy version of yourself."

5. A more personalised approach to training

"Extreme Bootcamps, choreographed group fitness routines and Crossfit WODs all have their appeal. People love a challenge and people love feeling part of a team. Fitness businesses love these systemised approaches so they can train their staff to deliver a product in a consistent fashion. However, what if I have less mobility to stretchy Stacey standing next to me? What if I have been flat out at work and am low on for energy today? What if I just flat out have different goals, needs and preferences to all the other people in the room?


Fortunately there is a growing breed of passionate and educated personal trainers working in studios and gyms that are interested in what their client wants. You'll recognise them because they are asking questions, listening to their client, observing how they are moving and providing feedback."

6. Bodyweight training

Expert to see some parkour-inspired moves.

"Getting to the gym is not always possible. Nor is having your own equipment. But wherever you go your body will be with you. Moving it with good form with or against gravity is enough to change your body shape, improve your health and boost your performance.

"Inspired by gymnastics, parkour and yoga, expect to see people in parks, gyms and hotel rooms crawling, hanging, jumping and rolling their way to better health."

Marin Lazic

Director and head coach of TRX Training Sydney, Australian TRX Master Training and lululemon Balmain ambassador

7. Energy Systems Training

"I feel the days of “No Pain, No Gain” attitude is slowly dying. Coaches and Personal Trainers are starting to understand how energy systems work, and there are tools such as Bluetooth HR Monitors that are able to measure this. This type of training becomes personal, takes guess work out and, most importantly, as coaches we know what the training load is and whether our clients/athletes are over-training or under-recovering."

8. Behaviour modification programming

"In 2015 I don’t see any new tools or pieces equipment really taking off. However I do see smarter programming. Top personal trainers and coaches are starting to understand that movement is affected by emotions. Every year there seems to be more and more people suffering from anxiety and high stress. Top trainers will usually have 3 programs ready (recovery, strength or HIIT) and depending what the client is feeling or going through, they will use the appropriate programming."


Joel Corpuz

Yoga Teacher at Power Living Yoga Australia, lululemon Bondi Ambassador

9. Anti-Gravity Yoga

"Especially now that it’s been offered in bigger gyms and fitness centres like Virgin Active."

10. Sky Zone

"Sky Zone is also on my list for fitness trends as it’s fun and a work out at the same time."

The workout that lets you literally fly through the air

Kirsten King

From Fluidform

11. Time-specific programs

"2015 will see a continuation of time-specific training programs - for instance, 12-week regimens - coupled with clean eating diets. There will also be an emphasis on long lean muscle training, moving away from building bulk and bigger bodies to focus on building functional, leaner bodies that perform at their optimum in all facets of exercise and life."

Cora Geroux

Writer, Yoga Teacher & lululemon ambassador 

12. DIY workouts

"With that consideration, I see a definite trend towards exercise that doesn't require a lot of equipment or a fancy set up. People want a routine that they can incorporate into their everyday lives, whether they are at home, on the road or in the studio.



Body weight exercises such as lunges, push-ups, squats and of course - yoga are simple and effective. Functional training - exercise that increases your strength & agility for real life situations is another great example of that trend. This has also given rise to a number of really great fitness apps, that make working out at home more accessible. I can see the use of these apps for training and yoga becoming increasingly popular next year.

6 ways to do a push-up (for people who can’t do push-ups)

"People are now exercising to be the very best they can be at life - instead of focusing on how much they can lift, or how much weight they can drop. This to me, is what health and wellness is really about and I am so excited to see this sentiment catching on in 2015.”

13. Long term programs

“I think health and fitness is moving in a really positive direction, and will continue to do so into 2015. Being a fitness professional, I see a trend to move away from fad workouts & diets and towards an overall holistic and sustainable approach. Most of my clients and students have moved beyond the quick fix mentality and have embraced long term health and wellness goals - such as balance, happiness, strength and flexibility - the overall package."

Thy Nguyen

lululemon ivy ambassador and yoga teacher

14. Yoga

“I think yoga is still growing and next year is especially going to be huge for yoga with Wanderlust coming to Sydney for the full three days. Many yoga teachers from North America are also starting to migrate to Australia's sunny shores and help expedite the tremendous growth the yoga scene will experience in the coming years. Acro Yoga is also growing; it's appeal is that it's fun, looks cool - makes for great social media pictures and a great way to connect with people.


15. Mindful eating

"As a health and lifestyle choice, more people are becoming mindful of what they eat. Nutrition plays such an integral role to weight loss and overall health. How things are prepared and the impact food production has on the environment - which also reflects how we may feel by ingesting it -are growing concerns for many. With all the amazing wholefood grocers, cafes and restaurants available, making good choices becomes easier.”

Michael Cunico

National Personal Training Manager, Fitness First

16. Outdoor yoga

"Yoga is a fantastic way to improve fitness and wellbeing, and venturing to the great outdoors can provide some health benefits which you may not be aware of. Training outside can help increase vitamin D levels, which plays a key role in maintaining bone density and health. This doesn’t require hours and hours under sunlight, simply a few minutes in the sun can provide adequate exposure to boost Vitamin D levels. There is also some research to suggest that being outdoors can help improve mood and reduce tension. While some people will reach for a glass of wine or take a tablet to reduce stress – it seems spending some time in the great outdoors may have a similar ‘unwind’ affect."

What fitness trends are you loving right now?

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