
There are 10 types of exercisers out there. Which one are you?

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We all try to be good at exercise, especially at the start of the New Year. It’s just that some of us are naturally better at it than others.

From the Early Riser to the Leggings Wearer, read on to find out what type of exerciser you are.

1. The Early Riser.

While others are hitting the snooze button, you’ve run 7km, done three sets of burpees, and are cooling down by swimming a causal 3km in the ocean. You secretly love to Instagram photos of your brightly coloured Nikes / post-workout green smoothie at 5:30am as a humblebrag.

Others hit the snooze button. You hit the pavement.

2. The Unco Aerobics Dancer.

Despite thinking the Grapevine is an unconquerable move, you never give up trying. Zumba, Hip Hop, Ceroc, you’ve tried it all. Your lifelong dream is to be cast as Sara in the stage adaptation of Save the Last Dance.

You're clumsy. But you will Never. Give. Up.

3. The ‘I’m Too Sexy For This Gym’ Goer.

Your favourite workout is anything in front of the mirror. You regularly give other gym goers ‘two tickets to the gun show,’ and your protein of choice is canned tuna. Your entire wardrobe consists of tight shorts and loose singlets.

You look good, and you know it.

4. The Slow-Going Stationary Bike Rider.

Your effort level is set to 1, your feet are barely moving, and you don’t get off the bike until you’ve finished your chapter - even if your workout ended 11 minutes ago.

You're slow, but you're dedicated.

5. Spin Junkie.

You arrive 15 minutes early to class just so you can nab ‘your bike’. You’re on a first name basis with the instructor, own matching sweatbands, and stare daggers at any newbie who doesn’t know to wipe down their bike afterwards. Ew.

NOTHING will make you miss that class.

6. The Hardcore Runner.

Favourite pastimes include hogging the treadmill for more than the allotted 20 minutes during peak gym times, wearing obscenely short running shorts and making weekly running playlists. You can run a half marathon without breaking a sweat.

You are one of those rare types that actually love to run.

7. The Possibly-on-the-way-to-the-gym Leggings Wearer.

You are most often seen in your natural habitat, the cafe. Sipping on a post-putting-on-leggings skim latte. You are characterised by your lack of sweat, red face or anything that resembles a recent workout.

Sipping on a post-putting-on-leggings skim latte.

8. The Adrenalin Junkie.

Regular workouts? Pfft. You think the gym is for chumps. You own a 4WD, and spend your weekends jumping off cliffs, flying down mountain bike trails or hanging off cliffs by a harness.

The gym is for chumps.

9. The At-Homer.

From Jane Fonda to Tracy Anderson, there isn’t a celebrity workout video you haven’t tried. Your living room has a vast lack of furniture, you own at least one designer yoga mat and there’s a Lulelemon frequent shopper card in your wallet.

Who needs gym membership when you have - a DVD?

10. The Definitely-Maybe Tomorrow Exerciser.

You were going to exercise this morning but slept through your alarm, and then were going to go after work but got tired. But tomorrow? You definitely will get up early to go for a run. The most amount of exercise you actually do is shuttling your gym bag to and from work.

Your new regime starts...tomorrow.

Stomp Apparel are giving you the opportunity to win $1,500 worth of workout gear. To enter, click here.

Some of our favourite celebrities know how to work up a sweat. Check out some of their Instagram pics! 


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