
10 easy exercise tips for busy mums

Image: Babies make excellent workout buddies (Thinkstock)

The two mums behind Body Beyond Birth – pilates instructor and physiotherapist Becky Dyer and business woman Jackie Steele – share their tips for what mums can do to fit exercise in to their busy lives. It is possible…

1. Take care of yourself

Remember, you can’t give from an empty (or broken!) cup. So don’t let mummy guilt hold you back. Take snippets of time for yourself throughout the day to get moving more. Here’s how…

2. Dress the part

This is Jackie’s personal motto! If you’re already wearing your workout gear you’re ready to be more active with your kids, or at least bust out a few squats or lunges.

And just to prove workout clothes don’t have to cost a fortune, this is where you can find cheaper options:

3. Find workouts you like

Find a few juicy exercises you like/need to do and then do them everyday. Like; plank on hands and knees (lift your knees and hold), squats (keep your knees behind toes!), swimmer (lie on your tummy and reach arms/legs long and swim like Scuba Steve).

5 exercises that will boost your mood

4. Stand up tall

Stand up tall, shoulders back, tummy gently drawn in and guess what… you’re doing Pilates all day. Your posture will look hot and you are actually exercising as you do it.

5. Pelvic floor

Can’t “squeeze in” your daily recommended pelvic floor exercise? How about you do one or 2; after every bathroom break, at the stop lights, when you change a nappy. It’s a muscle that gets wimpy and out of shape just like all the rest so work it, baby! 10 reps x 10 seconds a day keeps the gyne away.

6. Find a friend

Jackie and Becky from Body Beyond Birth


Instead of meeting your girlfriend or mother’s group for coffee, meet up for a walk date or exercise date. Kids will think you're playing when you start doing partner exercises like push-pull arms and high 5 jumps (Google some partner exercises and go for it!). Jackie and I have workout meetings all the time.


7. Play with the kids

Don't always watch them have fun, get into it. I mean jump on the trampoline, do handstands against the fence, play chase and run races.

7 sneaky ways to exercise as a working parent

8. Embrace incidental exercise

Take bub for a run!

Don’t underestimate incidental exercise - take the stairs, dance with your kids, use stroller walks for settling babies, walk don't drive, and always sit up straight.

12 ways to get more movement into your day (without actually exercising)

9. Rest for 10 minutes

Pffft! You say. When!? It’s Becky’s physio prescription ladies… I say at least once a day, in the smack dab middle of the madness lie flat, yes LIE FLAT and put your feet up on the arm of the couch. It unloads a pooped pelvic floor, helps your circulation and it’s a great time for your muscles to recover.

10. Take care of yourself

Yes it’s on here twice because we REALLY don't want you to forget it. We are mums and know personally how we get put last. So that’s why this list puts you first AND last.

Please print this out for the fridge or the bathroom mirror and have a read everyday. This is how real women just do it, in parts and pieces. A little each day. We love ya, mum!


Body Beyond Birth is an online postnatal exercise and nutrition program created by women’s health expert and physiotherapist Becky Dyer and supermum Jackie Steele. Their mum-friendly 20 minute a day online program helps women take care of themselves and nurtures them back into shape after having a baby.

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