
20% of people do this three times a day or more. Seriously?


20.4 per cent of people masturbate three times a day.







Once upon a time, there was an addiction facility in California who became curious about people’s masturbation habits.

Specifically, they wanted to know how often people have ‘me time’ (so to speak).

This addiction facility – called Morningside Recovery – put together a survey.

They lovingly entitled it: “Excessive Masturbation: Do you have a Hand up on the Average American?”

(We’ll pause for a second to allow you to admire their incorporation of the phrase “hand up” in a survey about excessive masturbation.)

They surveyed over 1000 men and women (63% of respondents were women), and then released the results – some of which are very interesting. (Feel free to use any of these at your next dinner party).

– Apparently 20.4% of people masturbate at least three or more times a day.

– Only 1.4% masturbate more than 10 times a day.

– The great majority  of people (79.6%) masturbate 0-2 times per day.

– While the majority (57.8%) were not ashamed about their masturbating habits, 18.3% were “extremely” ashamed and 23.8% were “slightly” ashamed.

– And on the shame factor – 45.4% said that masturbation has caused problems in their relationship.

Remember Samantha?

Okay, we’ll be honest.


Our immediate reactions to this survey were: Don’t these people have JOBS? Or children? How can they possibly find the time to masturbate that often?

But this is a serious issue – and it’s one that’s largely overlooked by society.

In actual fact, excessive masturbation is a form of sex addiction. It can cause real problems for relationships, for careers and for people’s mental health.

“I think the most interesting part of the survey is that 20.4% of respondents masturbate 3 or more times per day. That’s a high number of respondents, and that amount of masturbation could cause serious problems in a relationship, especially if it interferes with either person’s ability to experience pleasure with a partner,” was the reaction from the psychologist at the addiction facility.

CEO Mary Helen Beatificato added: “This survey helps demonstrate the need to treat those who not only suffer from the shame of excessive masturbation, but to emphasize tolerance, civility and respect from those individuals who they interact with on a daily basis.”

There’s a stigma attached to all addictions – but at least there is treatment available for those who are addicted to drugs, or alcohol, or prescription medication.

There’s no treatment yet available for those who suffer from excessive masturbation. Unless you’re a 15-year-old male in which case the treatment is…. time.

How often do you masturbate? Have you even heard of excessive masturbation? Has it ever masturbation ever become a problem in your relationship?

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