Is parenting more stressful and complicated than it’s ever been? It sure feels like it sometimes. Here are some smart ways to handle those 21st century dilemmas…
By Fiona Gibson
Where’s your baby gone…?
Online and out of sight?
You might dismiss social media as a waste of time - but the fact is, it’s how today’s teens communicate out of school.
Pushing those boundaries
As modern parents, we like to think we have open and honest relationships with our kids.
Teen temptations
Half of young people admit they’ve been drunk by the age of sixteen, according to a study for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, whilst in the US, cann
Who’s got her number?
Let the battle commence…
Today’s emphasis on expensive material possessions can turn your home into a battlefield.
‘Why can’t I be like her…?’
Our obsession with celebs has reached fever pitch, and the explosion of TV talent shows has made ‘being famous&r
Girl talk
Puberty is happening earlier these days, with breast development typically starting at around ten years old (that’s a year earlier than twenty years ago).<
Losing a loved one
Being honest and open with our children is great - but what happens when his questions are hard to answer?
‘Hang on, just a minute…’
While our own parents were undoubtedly busy, their work was less likely than ours to spill over into precious family time.
Keeping fears in perspective
Of course, with all the pressures we face, it’s easy to forget what’s great about parenting today.