If you’re suffering from Endometriosis or experiencing symptoms, always seek medical advice from your doctor for diagnosis and treatment options.
My mother told me that it was all part of being a woman.
2004 to 2008 were four years of heavy periods, days spent in bed, numerous days of school missed and pain that I couldn’t even begin to explain.
Early in 2008 while at home with my sister I was struck down with what could only be described as the worst pain I had ever felt. My insides felt like they were constricted, my back as if it was being stepped on and crushed. I fell to the floor in the foetal position and cried.
My parents rushed me to the hospital where I was pumped with morphine and waited six hours to see a physician.
When one finally saw me I was still doped up on painkillers, was overlooked and told to go home. Three days later an almost mirror attack happened and I ended up back in emergency.
Three hours into my emergency visit and after numerous blood tests, ultra sounds and poking of my abdomen I was placed in a room with a psychiatrist who asked me if the pain I was experiencing was mental and not physical because there was nothing physically wrong with me. “Are you possibly doing it to gain attention from your parents?”
As a 13 year old this was the most distressing thing. Having this pain I couldn’t describe, that was being brushed off as attention-seeking behaviour.