Put your hand up if you have had an embarrassing body issue.
I hope everyone’s hand is up. Because let’s face it – EVERYONE has had one at some point.
Sometimes we feel brave enough to talk to our GPs about it and sometimes we’ll confide in a few close friends. Sometimes, though, we are too embarrassed to even discuss the issue.
But we shouldn’t be. Here are 6 “embarrassing” body issues that are actually very common.
1. Psoriasis/eczema.
Dry flaky skin. Red bumpy eczema. It hurts, it itches and it looks less than desirable. I used to suffer from eczema so badly that every day I had people asking if I was okay. I was fine. I was itchy, but I was fine. It wasn’t until I got treated that I learnt how common eczema was. It’s been years now and I still get break outs occasionally, but now that I know it’s nothing to be embarrassed about I head to the GP for a prescription for a cream to treat it and I’m fine.
Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by PeriCoach. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.
2. Incontinence.
The one issue so many suffer from and no one talks about – which makes no sense, because one in three women experience it. Urinary Stress Incontinence caused by pelvic floor weakness is common and it shouldn’t be something embarrassing to discuss.
Marietta Mahanni, Pelvic Floor First Ambassador for Continence Foundation of Australia, says that although incontinence is very common, with one in three mums suffering, it shouldn’t be seen as normal.
By looking after your health and speaking to your GP you will probably realise that you don’t need to be suffering in silence.
“There is a lot that you can do about incontinence, unfortunately a lot of women assume that it is either normal or a rite of passage for being a woman or a mum,” she says.
“Performing pelvic floor exercise regularly – once a day, will go a very long way to making sure that your muscles on the inside are as strong as the ones on the outside. These exercises will ensure that women can enjoy intense workouts and perform daily tasks without the concern of leaking.”