As far as school holidays go, the Easter ones would have to be the best. For both adult and child.
I think one reason for this is their duration. The second is chocolate.
Conveniently straddling the Easter festivities, they allow you to enjoy some time off and, unlike the seemingly never-ending Christmas variety, allow you to keep, as a parent, a small portion of your sanity. And also, CHOCOLATE. Did I mention that there’s chocolate?
Yet seemingly before we’ve even had a chance to finish off the last crème egg, it’s time to get the kids back into the daily school routine and worst of all, making school lunches. At least this time around, we don’t have to think about covering their books or labeling them, thankfully we took care of that in January.
We do, however, need to get our minds back into all things school-related. Here is an easy checklist to help you with that.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Combantrin®. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.
1. Uniforms
I know you think you already have this sorted, being a quarter of the way through the year and all, BUT did you know that lots of children (especially the younger ones) have already lost their hat by March 7? Or maybe that’s just my child. Either way; now is a good time to assess what your children have and haven’t lost. Also to note is that some schools start to wear their winter uniform in the second term.
2. Food containers/lunches