
The one thing you don't want to inherit from your mother

Images via Dove

Dove asked mothers how they felt about their bodies as part of their new body image campaign, Legacy.

Their answers ranged from “My eyes are wonky,” to I hate “my bingo arms” and “I have very big legs.” Take a look:


Dove then asked their daughters the same question, and what is surprising is that all of the daughters said they disliked the same body parts as their mothers. Hearing seven year-olds describing how they don’t like their thighs is confronting, and a powerful message for not only the mothers in the video, but for every woman to remember when they talk about their bodies in front of young girls.

Are you careful about the way you speak about your body in front of young girls? Or have you inherited the same body image issues as your mother?

Related links:

The only supermodel who will ever make you feel good about your post baby body

7 secrets nobody at mother’s group confesses to

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