It’s a pretty common stereotype that uni students don’t get much sleep. But after six months of suddenly struggling to get four hours a night, waking up constantly, and hours (so many hours) of lying in the dark trying to fall asleep, I decided to go and see my doctor.
I wasn’t necessarily looking for medication, I really just wanted some advice. Just something, either something I’m doing wrong, or something I can do to stop lying in bed for hours every single night.
I had no idea that I’d be leaving the doctor’s office, not just sans prescription, but questioning my life, my value, and basically my entire existence.
I explained my issues to the doctor; the hours of lying awake even when I’m physically exhausted, waking up at least once an hour, my smart watch regularly rating my sleep quality at below 15 per cent, feeling like a zombie most of the day.
I explained how I knew about sleep hygiene; only going to bed to sleep, not drinking caffeine after 3pm, not eating too late, limiting screen time after 9pm (well, trying… not really). He took it all in, nodding, and I really thought he’d have a good answer.
Then he dropped this…
“The reason you can’t sleep is that your life has no meaning.”
Excuse me?
“I can tell you’re spending hours thinking about how your life has no meaning. What you need to do is have a baby. That’s what’ll give your life some meaning. That’ll help you sleep.”