About a year ago, I became one of those insufferable people who drink green smoothies. I’m a bit embarrassed about it actually.
Like most Green Smoothie drinkers, I don’t just confine my drinking to private spaces like my home. Instead, I schlep my over-sized glass bottles of green gloop to work and drink them at my desk or in meetings, in full view of my co-workers. Somehow I’ve become that person. The Green Smoothie Flaunter.
What’s in my green smoothie? I’m so glad you asked because green smoothie drinkers love nothing more than to detail all the healthy goodness we’re ingesting. Kale, cucumber, chia seeds, mint, lemon, pear, apple, flaxseed oil, sunflower seeds and coconut water. With ice. Lots of ice.
I make a batch every two days and store them in the fridge in glass bottles, grabbing one as I head out the door to work every morning.
In case you’re wondering (let me tell you even if you’re not!), I’ve discovered many benefits to drinking green smoothies. I love not having to think about what I’m going to have for breakfast and I love how portable they are. I can drink them in the car, in the bathroom while I’m getting ready for work, at my kids’ soccer games and in airports. And I even love the taste although my husband said they can make my breath smell like I’ve just been chewing on the lawn.
My smoothie drinking began about a year ago after a friend convinced me to buy a Vitamix which is not just a blender. Oh no. A Vitamix is a superblender on crack that turns even the most chunky ingredient into a thick glug which you can then thin out with coconut water or almond milk or the tears of Swiss virgins.