What is it about Christmas time that sends everyone into some kind of catching-up frenzy?
It is odd, you must admit. People that haven’t spoken to you since March are suddenly texting you, insisting that the pair of you catch up before Christmas. Everyone’s organising Christmas parties.
And birthday parties. Even if their birthday is in January. Because everyone’s away then, and god forbid they have a party in February.
So everyone’s life looks a lot like this at the moment: sleep, work, go out, drink, eat, go home. And repeat. There’s a lot of champagne. A lot of cocktails.
A lot of fun snowman-shaped cake pops and Santas made out of whipped cream and strawberries. Lots of meals full of extra salt and saturated fat that you wouldn’t normally eat – but you do anyway, because it’s the festive season and you’re going out to eat.
And then of course, we launch straight out of Christmas party season and right into that black hole that is the week between Christmas Eve and New Year’s. The week that disappears into a blur of icy poles, more glasses of champagne, leftover ham and chocolates from all the gift boxes that ended up under the tree.
You reach the first of January and everyone starts talking about resolutions, and you realise that you’ve probably eaten about a year’s supply of rum balls and mince pies… for dinner… every night… for the last three weeks.