
Anne Hathaway, Drew Barrymore and 15 other celebrities on why they quit drinking.

While it's hard to imagine a glamourous Hollywood party without a glass of champagne in hand, plenty of celebrities will convince you it's possible.

Whether it's for health reasons or addiction issues, many of our favourite A-listers are embracing sobriety.

It's their honesty about the impacts of heavy drinking that fans are connecting with the most. Here's why 16 of them quit drinking.

Drew Barrymore.

Image: Getty.


Drew Barrymore was eight when she had her first drink.

As a young child actress, she was at a wrap-party for a sci-fi horror she had starred in, when she started to bet with two of the crew members she could down two glasses of champagne. The glass was placed in her hand, they said "down it, champ", and the rest is history.

In 2021, Barrymore revealed she was sober. 

She said at the time to CBS News: "I was looking at patterns and choices I was making, and I was stuck in something that wasn’t working. It took changing behaviours. I wanted to live my happiest, healthiest, most confident life."

On The Drew Barrymore Show in September 2024 she explained: "I used to be a blackout drinker. 

"I've put myself in situations I shouldn't have put myself in, and I felt so much shame about that. I haven't had a drink in five years," she said. 

Chrissy Teigen.

Image: Supplied. 


Back in 2017, Chrissy Teigen spoke to Cosmopolitan about her complicated relationship with alcohol; something that runs in her family.

"I was, point blank, just drinking too much," she told the publication. 

"I got used to being in hair and makeup and having a glass of wine. Then that glass of wine would carry over into me having one before the awards show. And then a bunch at the awards show," she said.

"And then I felt bad for making kind of an ass of myself to people that I really respected. And that feeling, there's just nothing like that. You feel horrible. It's not a good look for me, for John, for anybody."

In January 2022, Teigen announced she completed six months alcohol-free.

"6 months no alcohol," she wrote on Instagram. 

"Honestly kind of sucks saying it because even though I don’t ever crave it now, time has not exactly flown by haha. I probs won’t be excited til a larger milestone like at least five years, and sometimes I don’t even know if I necessarily won’t ever drink again?"


"I have no idea what I’m doing honestly, but I do know a few things: I now have endless energy, way less anxiety (no more benzos!) and I am *happier* and more present than ever. It's pretty cool," she continued. 

"I look forward to having my full body reset after one year, then reevaluating to see my new hopes and wishes for the future! Let's goooo."

Anne Hathaway.

Image: Supplied. 


In 2018, Anne Hathaway decided to stop drinking. The following year, she told Ellen DeGeneres why.

"I quit drinking back in October [2018]... for 18 years," she told the talk show host. "I'm gonna stop drinking while my son's living in my house just because I don't totally love the way I do it, and he's getting to an age where he really does need me all the time in the mornings."

"I did one school run one day where I dropped him off at school. I wasn't driving, but I was hungover and that was enough for me," she said.

She added: "I didn't love that."

Tom Holland.

Image: Getty.


Tom Holland has been sober for more than a year now. 

The 28-year-old actor made the decision to quit drinking after playing his most recent role in the AppleTV+ miniseries The Crowded Room with Amanda Seyfried.

"The mental aspect, it really beat me up and it took a long time for me to recover afterwards, to sort of get back to reality," he told Entertainment Weekly.

Holland said after the ninth month of shooting the psychological thriller, he began seeing himself in his character, Danny, a man who was arrested for a shooting at Rockefeller Center in New York City in 1979. 

"I remember having a bit of a meltdown and thinking I'm going to shave my head. I need to shave my head because I need to get rid of this character," he recalled.

Daniel Radcliffe.

Image: Supplied. 


Daniel Radcliffe has been open about his struggles with alcohol throughout his career. In 2020, he said that the Harry Potter movie franchise ending contributed to him quitting.

"If I went out and if I got drunk, I'd suddenly be aware of there being interest in that because it's not just a drunk guy, it's 'Oh, Harry Potter's getting drunk in the bar,'" Radcliffe said on BBC Radio 4's latest Desert Island Discs, via The Independent.

He added: "[Playing Harry Potter] carried some kind of interest for people and also a slightly mocking interest. It's inherently funny for people."

So his way of dealing with that was "to drink more or get more drunk, so I did a lot of that for a few years".


Radcliffe explained that towards the end of the movies, he realised he had to quit alcohol to move forward.

"A lot of drinking that happened towards the end of Potter and for a little bit after it finished, it was panic, a little bit not knowing what to do next — not being comfortable enough in who I was to remain sober," he said.

The now 35-year-old actor has been sober since 2010, a year before the final Harry Potter film.

Jennifer Lopez.

Image: Getty. 


Jennifer Lopez has a different reason she doesn't drink.

"I think that ruins your skin," she told InStyle in 2003. "Of course, during celebratory toasts, everybody's like, 'You can't toast with water!' So I'll toast with alcohol and just take a sip."

Kristin Davis.

Image: Supplied. 


In 2008, And Just Like That... actress Kristin Davis explained why she quit booze.

"I realised it was not going to end well," she told Marie Claire

"I got into the acting program, it was very challenging, I was hungover and I wasn't doing so well in my classes. I thought, 'Do you know what? It's going to be one or the other. I can't really have both.'"

Naomi Campbell.

Image: Getty. 


In 1999, after a five-year cocaine and alcohol addiction, Naomi Campbell checked herself into a rehabilitation facility. Now, she's been attending Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous, and therapy, for years.

"I want to stay in the light," she told The Guardian. "I don't want to be in darkness. I don't have depression, but mental health is something that I care about a lot and it makes me happy to know that [the UK] is taking mental health seriously now. 

"In the '90s, saying you had a shrink — people would look at you like you're nuts. They are such old clichés but, whatever career you do, you need to have someone you can talk to. It's healthy. Recovery is healthy. That was my first fight and I stand by it."

In 2013, Campbell gave up alcohol for good.

"I choose not to drink today in my life because I find that I'm allergic to alcohol," she told Shape magazine, via the Irish Mirror"I have more energy and I have more fun than when I was drinking and I can hang out really late and get up early in the morning with no hangovers and still smile."

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom.

Image: Getty.


Both Katy Perry and her husband, Orlando Bloom, have stopped drinking. 

It's a three-month pact they made after Bloom shared he wanted to pause on the booze, so Perry joined him.

"For me, it was an opportunity to reset. We reset after President's Day, and it was a great opportunity to just let my body bounce back a little bit," the singer told People.

"We did this because he's shooting a movie in London right now that's taking every ounce of his focus, and so I wanted that opportunity to be supportive," she said. 

"It's really hard to do anything, whether that's doing a cleanse or a reset, unless your partner's doing it. So, doing it together makes it so much easier."

Megan Fox.

Image: Getty. For Megan Fox, cutting out alcohol is a form of self-care.


When appearing on the cover of Glamour magazine, the 38-year-old actress said she's been alcohol-free for more than a decade.

"I'm always completely sober. I don't even drink a glass of wine," she told the publication. "I'm not saying you have to be like that. I'm saying for me, that's how I feel the best."

"When I was in Costa Rica, somebody described the purpose of alcohol with plant medicine: you use alcohol to extract the essence of a plant," she said. 


"And I thought, 'That is exactly how alcohol makes me feel. As though it is extracting my essence.' Which is why I have avoided it for so long."

She also added she doesn't smoke or drink coffee, noting that removing those things from her life is about connecting to her "higher consciousness". 

"Again, that's specific to me, but also self-care is enough quiet time to be able to connect to my super consciousness, my higher consciousness, connect to God, connect to spirit," she said. "And this lifestyle makes it very difficult sometimes."

Bella Hadid.

Image: Getty. Bella Hadid continues to celebrate her sobriety.


"Five months alcohol-free," Hadid captioned a TikTok video in March 2023 on a girls' trip to Las Vegas.

Speaking to InStyle about her decision to stop drinking, the supermodel explained that it got to a point where she could no longer control herself on nights out.

"I have done my fair share of drinking. I loved alcohol, and it got to the point where even I started to, you know, cancel nights out that I felt like I wouldn't be able to control myself," Hadid told the publication.

Despite stopping drinking completely in 2022, Hadid started cutting down on alcohol significantly in mid-2021. 

"I don't feel the need because I know how it will affect me at three in the morning when I wake up with horrible anxiety thinking about that one thing I said five years ago when I graduated high school," she said. 

"There's just this never-ending effect of, essentially, you know, pain and stress over those few drinks that didn't really do much, you know?"

Jada Pinkett Smith.

Image: Supplied. 


Alcohol addiction is something that not only Jada Pinkett Smith has suffered, but her family too.

"Alcoholism and drug addiction runs through my family and I’ve had my own addiction that I've had to get over," Pinkett Smith admitted during an episode of Red Table Talk

"I remember reaching a rock bottom that time I was in the house by myself and I had those two bottles of wine and was going for the third bottle," she said. "And I was like, 'Now hold up. You're in this house by yourself going onto your third bottle of wine? You might have a problem.'"


Pinkett Smith has had various addictions over the years including, sex addiction, gym addiction and alcohol addiction.

She said she had to go "cold turkey" to break all of them.

Calvin Harris.

Image: Supplied. 

DJ Calvin Harris has openly spoken about his reasons for quitting alcohol.

"The fact that people would pay to see a show and I'd be rubbish — it wasn't fair," the 39-year-old told BBC. "Ever since I quit, I've worked every single day and loved it."


He also stressed that he didn't quit because he had a problem with drinking.

"I wasn't an alcoholic or anything like that, but it was clearly affecting what I do," he said. "That started to annoy me because I've been trying to get where I am for 11 years."

"I realised, 'Why would I want to waste time drinking and going out to parties when I can sit in a studio and make music and have it come out and be released?' Ever since then, I've been working every single day. I haven't needed a recovery day from getting a hangover, or anything like that."

Lana Del Rey.

Image: Supplied. 


In 2012, singer Lana Del Rey announced that she's been an alcoholic since she was 14 years old. It was when it got really bad that she knew it was time to give it up for good.

"It's been nine years since my last drink," she told GQ. "That's really why I got sent to boarding school aged 14 — to get sober."

"I was a big drinker at the time. I would drink every day. I would drink alone. I thought the whole concept was so f***ing cool," she said.

"My parents were worried, I was worried. I knew it was a problem when I liked it more than I liked doing anything else," she said. "I was like, 'I'm fed. I am totally fed.' Like, at first it's fine and you think you have a dark side — it's exciting —and then you realise the dark side wins every time if you decide to indulge in it. It's also a completely different way of living when you know that, it's like being a different species of person." 

"It was horrific. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me," she added.

Bradley Cooper.

Image: Supplied. 


In 2013, Bradley Cooper shared he quit alcohol for good in the early '00s. 

Speaking to GQ, the Star is Born actor said that "if I continued it, I was really going to sabotage my whole life".


Image: Supplied. 


In September 2018, Sia announced she was eight years sober.

"Eight years sober today," she wrote on Twitter. "I love you, keep going. You can do it." 

When appearing on The Late Late Show's Carpool Karaoke, the singer spoke to James Corden about her struggles. 

"I was a singer already for like 10 or 11 years to mediocre success, and I was an alcoholic and a drug addict, and I sobered up and decided I didn't want to be an artist anymore," she said. 

"I was starting to get a little bit famous and it was destabilising in some ways."

Ewan McGregor.

Image: Supplied. Ewan McGregor told Playboy in 2005 that he stopped drinking before it ruined his entire life.


"I knew I was lucky, and somehow I knew that if I didn't stop, everything would go tits up — my career, my family, my everything," he told the publication, via People

This article was originally published in April 2022 and has been updated with new information since.

Feature Image: Instagram..

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