I thought I just had to live with this really irritating problem. Turns out, I don’t.
I’ve been cursed with dry skin for close to 15 years.
It’s easily irritated and itchy, and I always believed that I had inherited my flaky skin from my mother, and her mother before that.
It was an easy excuse, and one that meant I didn’t have to change any of my habits in order to improve it. I believed this so wholly, so fully, until I made one small adjustment that changed everything: I kept a bottle of water on my desk.
After a week of absent-mindedly sipping my drink bottle, my skin began to drastically improve.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this is an advertorial for Avène.
And after some research, I realised that I had been wrong for the past 15 years. My skin wasn’t dry – it was dehydrated. Itchy, flaky, and dehydrated.
This discovery led me to question whether there were any other nasty habits or lifestyle factors that may have been affecting my skin’s health. And I came up with a few solutions.
So if you’re in the same boat as me, here are six sneaky causes of dehydrated skin that might be letting you down.
1. Your food.
According to Everyday Health, not having enough fatty acids from foods like fish, tofu or walnuts can result in your skin being less plump and soft, leading to it becoming dehydrated and dry. Who knew?
2. Your home/work.
eMedicine Health reported that dry conditions indoors can lead to dehydrated skin. This could be caused by an overactive air-conditioner or heater, leaving you particularly vulnerable to dehydrated skin in winter and summer. It might be time to open a window instead…